Pappel, KristelRaju, Marju, koostaja2024-02-072024-02-0720232382-8080 article deals with the main aspects of the thoughts and works of Arnold Schoenberg (1874–1951). Starting out from the composer’s aesthetic and religious views, these are then considered both in terms of their context and in their relationship to his works. Among other things, Schoenberg’s attitude to neo-classicism and the musical heritage of the past is highlighted, as well as the innovative character of his expressionist stage works. The final part of the article gives a brief overview of the most important stages in the composer’s life. By the end of the article it should be clear why Schoenberg is still necessary and important to us, both for his ideas and for his music.etAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 EstoniaIdee on ajatu. Pidepunkte Arnold SchönbergistThe Idea is Timeless. Some Aspects of Schoenberg’s Thought and WorkArticle