Ljubov JaanuskaIvanova, Anastassia2019-10-152019-10-152017http://hdl.handle.net/10062/65624Antud bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on koostada referatiivne eestikeelne lisamaterjal ainele „Andmebaasid“ (ilma lisaülesannete kogumikuta). Töös vaadeldakse kolme põhiaspekti: päringute koostamine, indekseerimine ja päringute analüüsimine päringu planeerija Plan Viewer-i abil. Igas osas on toodud praktilised näited, mis on tehtud kasutades andmebaasi „Film“ ning andmebaasi juhtimissüsteemi SQL Anywhere 17.0. Koostatud materjal on mõeldud eelkõige esimese kursuse informaatika õppekava üliõpilastele. Motivatsioon bakalaureusetöö kirjutamiseks on SQL Anywhere eestikeelse materjali puudumine, mis muudab üliõpilastel õppimist keerulisemaks. Antud töös ei ole käsitletud andmebaasi kasutamist kahel serveril. See võib olla antud töö edasiarendus.The goal of this thesis is to develop studying materials for undergraduate students about construction, analyzing and optimization of SQL statements in SQL Anywhere 17.0 Developer Edition. Motivation for writing this thesis was a shortage of the materials in Estonian about SQL Anywhere. This thesis addresses three main aspects: query modelling, indexes and query optimization. Also there is an introduction into the Plan Viewer tool in the thesis which helps analyze SQL query and reconstruct it in order to increase the database management system perfomance. Each section of the thesis has practice examples which were made using database „Film“. A student, who has read this material, can outline differences between various SQL operators, understands principles of indexes, lists pros and cons of indexes, knows how to analyze and optimize queries using the Plan Viewer tool. The outcome of the thesis is the studying materials with practical samples composed for database related courses. The result of this work can be used as additional literature for course „Databases“ (practices 3, 6 and 13). A further development of the thesis would be to conduct a research on how to distribute large databases between database servers and how to connect these servers efficiently.etSQL päringute koostamine, analüüsimine ja optimeerimine SQL Anywhere 17.0 versiooni näitelStructuring, Analyzing and Optimization of SQL Queries Using SQL Anywhere 17.0 VersionThesis