Peep, Lennart, juhendajaKosk, KadriTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondTartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Kunstide ja tehnoloogia õpetaja2024-08-222024-08-222024 the main topic of literary fiction through curriculum integration and process drama. An action research carried out among the 7th graders of Tartu Raatuse School. Unfortunately drama pedagogy is not a usual part of the Estonian educational system. It is a subject that supports students’ growth as a whole, contributing to the development of self-expression, teamwork and confidence in a safe environment. The citizens of our future societies need to be ready to adapt to different situations, so we have to raise creative people. Drama is perfect for integration with other subjects. The action research at hand involved the integration of literature, drama and art lessons of 4 classes of 7th graders. The 60 students included were all from Tartu Raatuse School.estAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Estoniaainetunniddraamaõpeprotsessdraamaintegreeritud õpemagistritöödKirjandusteose peateema põhjalikum mõistmine läbi lõimimise ja protsessdraama Tartu Raatuse Kooli 7. klasside näitelThesis