Langemets, Johann, juhendajaMartin, Miguel, juhendajaLõo, MarcusTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Matemaatika ja statistika instituut2023-07-032023-07-032023 2010, A. Aviles, V. Kadets, M. Martın, J. Meri and V. Shepelska introduced the concept of slicely countably determined Banach spaces in order to generalize separable Banach spaces which have the Asplund or the Radon– Nikodym property. The aim of the thesis is to extend the concept of the slicely countably determined sets to the non-separable setting, by introducing a pointwise version of the property.engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalviiludRadon–Nikodymi omadusDaugaveti omadusslicesRadon–Nikodym propertyDaugavet propertymagistritöödvõrguväljaandedfunktsionaalanalüüsharmooniline analüüs (matemaatika)harmonic analysisfunctional analysisSlicely countably determined points in Banach spacesThesis