Rosenberg, Age, juhendajaMändmets, Maarja-EevaTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2011-07-202011-07-202011 Culture and ICT Usage During Meetings in ARIB The aim of this research was to study meetings culture and electronical multitasking consequent to the usage of mobile phones and laptops during the meetings in Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB). A questionnarie was constructed based on theory, reserch questions and organizations quaintness and and sent to 261 workers of the centre of ARIB. 12% finished the questionnarie, resulting 32 filled questionnarie. Outcome was supplemented with an expert-interview, two observations and two informant-interviews. Meeting is a widely used working method in ARIB and there are rather more paricipants in the meetings than less. Some of the meetings share common values in meeting leadership and well elaborated protocol system, others form different subcultures. Communication direction and style of the meetings are free in ARIB. The satisfaction level is highest with the decision-making meetings and lowest with information meetings. As there are a lot of different workgroup meetings then the level of satisfaction also varies. Laptops are mostly used related to the meetings and when the meetings don´t demand so much attention, then also to complete other work-related tasks. Mobile phones are mostly used for work or private life related issues. Using laptops during the meetings is not considered disturbing on the contrary to using mobile phones. The directorate of ARIB finds that laptop usage during the meetings is effective; mobile phone usage is limited with unwritten rules. Multitasking enables more effective time use with the jeopardy of information loss. Employees consider the ability to multitask useful until paricipating in the meeting remains primary action. Author fulfilled the goals of the thesis by answering the research questions. This topic deserves to be researched as ICT use has many possibilities that can be applied to the meetings to make them more effective. Further research could embrace making different studies for different meeting types to map the subcultures. Keywords of this research are meetings culture, electronical multitasking and organizational meetings and ICT use.etEesti. Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni AmetkoosolekudinfotehnoloogiakommunikatsioonitehnoloogiaorganisatsioonikommunikatsioonsisekommunikatsioonorganisatsioonikultuurbakalaureusetöödKoosolekutekultuur ja osalejatepoolne IKT-vahendite kasutamine PRIA näitelThesis