Kõuts-Klemm, Ragne, juhendajaHiiemaa, AnnTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-10-142010-10-142010http://hdl.handle.net/10062/15394The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to provide a high-quality overview of the practises of education-students, to find out how they move on a news-site and on what bases do they make their news assortment. The following research questions were posed: • On what bases do they make their choices on Postimees.ee news-site, how do they explain their choices? • How do they move on a certain news site? • What is their favourite news-site and what qualities are important for them? • How do they apprehend manipulation with headlines? Based on the aformentioned research questions, I established the following hypothesis for the research paper: • The news are chosen primarily according to their location, the higher the news is, the most attention it gets • They consider operativeness the most important aspect on their favourite news site • They perceive manipulation with headlines and it makes them discontent In order to find answers to the established research questions and to check on the validity of the hypotheses, I used a combined qualitative research method in which I connected semistructured interviews and practical use assignments using think-aloud method. The sample comprised ten respondents aged 22 to 41. To analyse the research results, I used qualitative content analysis and received the following answers to the research questions. There were three different types of reading patterns: • The methodical reader – a person who reads from top to bottom, opening news in new window and going back to re-read the material. • The scanner – a person who moves to half side of the front-page and then returns to the top and opens news • The traditional reader – a person who opens news right away, who doesn’t scan before that By analysing the interviews and think aloud protocols, I reached the conclusion that students make their news-assortiment mainly according to the location of the news – the higher the news is, the most attention it gets. They could not explain their choices. They consider content as the most important aspect of their favourite news site, the operativeness is not that important for them. As for headlines, they apprehend the manipulation but they dont see it as a negative aspect. I assess the chosen research method to be suitable based on the research questions. In summary, by examining the collected qualitative empirical material and the quantity of valuable information and conclusions, I think that my bachelor’s thesis provides a good platform for further theoretical studies in online media. In the future it would be really interesting to compare my results for example with media students.etbakalaureusetöödmeediauus meediavõrguväljaandedauditoorium (meedia)uudisedüliõpilasedõpetajakoolitusÕpetajakoolitust läbivate tudengite käitumismuster Postimees.ee leheküljelThesis