Keller, Margit, juhendajaOjamaa, MaarjaTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut2010-10-212010-10-212009 aim of the BA thesis was to investigate the image of Tartu as a tourism destination among the foreign and local tourism experts from Tartu main target markets. The research had a practical purpose giving the guideline to the DMOs who deal with the marketing of Tartu in their every day work. In the theoretical part keywords such as destination image and destination brand were described. In the empirical part a shot overview of Tartu as a tourism destination was given. In the empirical analysis nine interviews with tourism experts from Estonia and the main target markets were made. One of the interviews was made with a tourism experts from UK. Such exception was made because of that person´s considerable and long experience in working with the Baltic countries as a tourism destination. The research questions were following: 1. How do the experts value Tartu as a tourism destination? 2. How should Tartut be positioned in the opinion of the interviewees? 3. What could be improved in the marketing communcation and the arrangement of the toursim organizations of Tartu ? 4. How does the image of Tartu differ among the two expert groups? All the experts described the city generally in a positive way. They descriebed positively different tourism attractions; named the abundance of hotels, cafes etc.; compactness of the city; peaceful atmosphere; the greenness, the georaphical location of the city etc. So, one can generalize that the city itself as a tourism destination is seen positively among the experts. The disadvantage that can be brought forth was that it is not very comofortable to visit Tartu for a tourist considering f.e. the accessibility of the city and opening hours of the museums and shops which also form a part of the visiting experience. All in all, Tartu is seen among the interviewees as a cultral city and a university city. From a tourism perspective Tartu was seen in both interview groups suitable for cultural trips. The difference that occured between the foreign and local experts was that while the foreign experts saw Tartu suitable only for cultural trips, the local experts thought that the city is suitable also for other types of tourism such as nature tourism and family tourism. There was also a different interpretation among those two interview groups about what could be the main target groups of Tartu. When the foreign experts thought that Tartu has a lot more to offer for an older cultural tourist who travels without children, the local experts found that people in every age, both old and young, and people who travel because of different motives find Tartu interesting for visiting. So, it can be said that the way that the local and foreign tourism experts position Tartu is somewhat different. In the mind of the foreign experts Tartu has its certain niche, while the local experts see Tartu very multiplex. It was also said that there are aspects that the local DMOs could improve in the marketing communication of Tartu. The main weak points were the insufficient information flow from the DMOs and the absence of the marketing for a specific target market. It also appeared from the research that the collaboration between the local DMOs and the local tourism enterprises could be better. Also the practicl recommendations for the local DMOs for the marketing communication in the future are added for forming a positive image of Tartu as a tourism destination more effectivly. Hopefully, the outcomes of the research can also be used when creating the brand of Tartu. In the future it would be interesting to find out whether the findings of this survey also apply to the larger amounf of tourism experts from Tartu main target markets.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)bakalaureusetöödlinnadkuvandmainekujundusturunduskommunikatsioonturismturismimarsruudidTartuTartu kuvand reisisihtkohana kohalike ja välismaiste turismiekspertide seasThesis