Veldi, Enn, juhendajaAlo, Ailt2015-06-182015-06-182015-06-18 objective of the present master’s thesis was to compile an English-Estonian glossary of audio recording equipment and techniques. The aim of the glossary was to collect relevant terms, to supply the users with Estonian equivalents and to explain the meaning of the terms. The present glossary is intended as a guide and a source of reference for amateurs in the field of audio recording, translators and interpreters and anyone interested in the subject. The situation regarding audio recording terminology in Estonian is currently rather weak: relevant terms are mostly used as loanwords and no glossary on the topic has been compiled yet. Few books that have been published are either outdated, too specific or just not translated well. Considering the number of home recording artists, sound recording studios and audio equipment rental companies in Estonia, it can be estimated that interest in the subject is high though. The present thesis hopes to improve the situation and hopefully be a starting point for future more comprehensive glossary. 94 The theoretical part of the present thesis offers a short overview of the process of audio recording, describes the stages of recording, editing, mixing and mastering as well as compares the differences between analog and digital recording. The theoretical part also explains the aim of the glossary and analyses its sources and content. The glossary itself is organized alphabetically and covers 437 keywords with explanations and is followed by an Estonian-English registry.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalopenAccessüliõpilastöödstudent workstõlkeõpetustranslationinterpretingsound recordingaudio equipmentglossaryEnglishEstonianEnglish-Estonian Glossary of Audio Recording Equipment and TechniquesThesis