Tammekänd, Liina, juhendajaKass, KadriTartu Ülikool. Anglistika osakondTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondTartu Ülikool. Maailma keelte ja kultuuride kolledž2021-04-232021-04-232020http://hdl.handle.net/10062/71847The main aim of this MA thesis is to collect information about different problems that occur while students are developing their English-speaking skills and to investigate the effect of using games to teach English in upper-secondary education. The research questions are: what are the problems that students have when they are developing their English-speaking skill? What are the most beneficial aspects of using games in language classrooms according to the language learning group under study? What kind of games do they prefer?engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalkeeleõppemängudsuuline osaoskusmagistritöödinglise keelkeeleõpetussuuline keelärevusmängudsõnavaraõppematerjalidUsing games to develop speaking skills in upper-secondary educationThesis