Patriarca, Marco, juhendajaHeinsalu, Els, juhendajaOja, Peeter, juhendajaRannap, JürgenTartu Ülikool. Matemaatika ja statistika instituutTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond2017-09-222017-09-222017 objective of this bachelor’s thesis is to confirm or falsify hypotheses on the diffusion of Numic languages in the north-western United States. The theoretical part of the thesis provides an overview of the mathematical methods used to calculate phonetical difference and determine the genealogical classification of different language groups. The main part focuses on the implementation of these approaches on the Numic languages database and the evaluation of the results with regard to hypotheses found in articles on the linguistic diffusion of the Numic languages.engNative American languagesUto-Aztecan languagesdialectologydata processingcomplex systemsMathematical analysis of Numic languagesThesis