Tartu ÜlikoolTiit, Ene-Margit, toimetaja2013-10-282013-10-281984Per.A-1169http://hdl.handle.net/10062/33908• T. Kollo. Asymptotic distribution of eigenprojectors of covariance and correlation matrices for testing hypotheses • Резюме • Traat. Asymptotic normal distribution of the sample roots for a non-normal population • Резюме • Е.-M. Tiit. Definition of random vectors with given marginal distributions and given correlation matrix • Резюме • E. Tiit, I. Traat. Experimental designing for Monte-Carlo study in multivariate statistics • Резюме • К. Pärna, M. Raus. A Monte-Carlo study of the distribution of some clustering criteria • Резюме • R. Ääremaa. Clustering as a process of finding of kernels of monotonic system • Резюме • T. Möls. A simulation-based study of finite Markov chain criteria • Резюме • M. Unt. About some possible generalizations of Efron’s bootstrap • Резюме • ContentsenjätkväljaandedTartu Ülikoolmatemaatiline statistikamitmemõõtmeline analüüsartiklikogumikudMatemaatika- ja mehhaanikaalaseid töid. Statistical modelling and multivariate analysis = Труды по математике и механикеBook