Villems, AnneDuvin, TaaviKallaste, Timo2017-04-262017-04-262014äesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on luua õppematerjalid rakendustarkvarale Project Anarchy. Viimane on tarkvara, mis on mõeldud eelkõige mobiilsete mängude loomiseks. Töö koosneb kolmest peatükist, millest esimeses selgitatakse modernse mängumootori ülesehitust ja kirjeldatakse kahte mängumootorit. Teises peatükis analüüsitakse e-kursust, selle ülesehitust ning keskkonda, milles kursus toimub. Kolmandas peatükis antakse detailsem ülevaade loodava kursuse struktuurist.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create tutorial series for Project Anarchy SDK. Tutorials are targeted for mobile devices because this is the aim of the Project Anarchy SDK. The tutorial series are combined into one online course in which a game is developed using Project Anarchy. The material consists of three parts. The first part gives an overview of the modern game engine architecture and describes two game engines in detail. The second part analyses online course. Describes the target group and goals. It also concentrates on the online learning platform that is used for the course. The third part gives an overview of the tutorial set’s architecture. Every topic in tutorial set is covered in detail.estÕppematerjalide loomine rakendustarkvarale Project AnarchyCreating tutorial series for Project AnarchyThesis