Vihalemm, Peeter, juhendajaTalva, KadriTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakond2010-10-212010-10-212007 master thesis is focused on evolving individual instant effects of mass communication, indicated on conceptions and evaluations in reference to “Imelugu” (story of miracle) commercials and conversions of general conceptions and evaluations about political participation and parties after seeing those commercials. The aim of the MA thesis is to describe and analyze internet located political campaign „Imelugu“ on homepage of Reformierakond (liberal party). For empirical study the reception of the commercials on the group of most active internet users in Estonia, respondents on age 18-29 years, was analyzed. The key words of this thesis are: media effects, reception of mass communication, evolving effects, commercialization, (political) campaigns, reception, influence of internet distribution. This thesis includes political preference and attitude before and after seeing commercials among young people aged 18-29. For representing results of this study the respondents are divided into two comparable groups: contributors of Reformierakond and contributors of other parties in Estonia. The discourse analyze shows that “Imelugu” commercials are provocative and disparage other parties. None of respondents presume commercials positive to create and fortify image of Reformierakond. Despite most positive image was given to Reformierakond from both groups, the reputation of all parties descend after watching commercials. Only exception was Eestimaa Rohelised (Estonian Green Party), which was not reflected on commercials. This thesis will not claim to generalize all society and also will not create the general idea about opinions of population as total, yet gives an overview about formation of individual instant effects among young people of two different groups of political preferences.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)poliitiline kommunikatsioonpoliitiline kultuurvalimisedreklaamvalimisvõitlusnooredmagistritöödReformierakonna reklaamiseeria "Imelugu" vastuvõtt 18-29-aastaste noorte hulgasThesis