Past, Aune, juhendajaTalinurm, TõnuTartu Ülikool. SotsiaalteaduskondTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakond2010-10-212010-10-212007 aim of the present Bachelor’s thesis was to find the image of Elion’s brand among the company`s customers. In analyzing the brand image, a method was used that is mainly based on communication and J. Grunig’s situation theory. Thus, the paper in its essence may not resemble most often used methods, where brand research is mainly based on marketing or branding. The aim of the paper was to concentrate on analyzing the images and subjective knowledge spread among target groups, paying attention to the cognitive image of customers. For the research, an inquiry of a semantic differential was conducted among the customers and later semistructured interview with chosen respondents, to elaborate the answers given to the precedent questionnaire. As a result of the analysis it can be said that the image of Elion is mainly positive among the customers, however negative opinions can be found as well. The image is more positive among the customers who have started to use Elion services just recently. More positive characteristics of the image can be noticed among women. The image has formed most clearly among customers in their fifties and even older and in case of this group Elion`s image was most positive. In Elion’s case, it is obvious that there has been attempted to get rid of the historical roots (Eesti Telefon / Estonian Telephone – monopoly, technology-centered) by creating a whole new brand. This thesis focused largely on these two qualities. According to Elion`s customers Elion’s reputation is strongly monopolistic. However, the former image of technological company is gone, today the customers see the company more as a service provider, but there are opposite opinions as well. Here the opinions where greatly connected to the respondents´ experiences with the company’s customer service. As it came out also in the Master’s thesis ‘Organisation Communication in Changing Environment – the Public Relations of Estonian Telephone 1989-1992 and 1997’ (1999) by Kaja Tampere, Elion (former Estonian Telephone) has had problems with the companies’ customer service for some time now. Negative opinions about the services have been characteristic to the company already since the Estonian Telephone presented itself as efficient and active, though the customers were in different opinion (Tampere 1999). Communication strategy advice: In present study the clients were divided into target groups according to Grunig’s situation theory: active, involved and restricted, and passive target group. Based on the results of factor analysis some suggestions are proposed to the company when communicating with different target groups. Active target group – a group that feels a strong bound to the company and does not see any restrictions for expressing their opinion. From the factor analysis it came out that the company has many positive characteristics for this group, but at the same time the company is seen as inflexible and arrogant. The company should try to change this rather stiff, closed and arrogant image among given target group to more softer and friendlier one. When the company claims in their principal values to understand the client’s needs, then it should also examine whether the offered service packages are the most suitable for the client’s needs, what are the possibilities for the clients to change them and put together the best service package for themselves. When the suitable possibilities are there then the next step is to inform the client, with the aim of diminishing the inflexible and arrogant image. Involved and restricted target group – a group that feel also a strong bond to the organisation, but at the same time sees restrictions for expressing their opinion and are convinced that their opinion does not change anything. This group sees the company as closed and more as a technological company, than a company dedicated to high quality service. For the given group it is important to clarify where and when can they express their opinion, make suggestions and what will change if they do so. Passive target group – a group that does not feel bound to the organisation and at the same time also sees restrictions for expressing their opinion. This target group should not be approached too actively by using different communication channels in order to attract their attention. According to the authors subjective opinion there is a great chance to overreact and sharing too much information may cause making a wrong step, which might result with pushing away the target group with already little interest. However, like with the other groups, it would be still recommended to explain to the customer on what extent it is possible for them to share their opinion concerning client-company relationship and putting together different service packages. The interviews with the respondents brought out that there is no point of producing and distributing messages about the company’s position in the market compared to competitors, while it has no importance to the customers. It even could be rather unfavourable and deepen the opinions about the company that came out from the research, such as ‘monopolistic’, ‘arrogant’ and other rather negative characteristics. For the clients the most important is the quality of service. Since it can be noticed that Elion’s image is greatly affected by the customer’s experience with the company’s client service, then it would be proposed for the company to first of all concentrate on improving the relationship and communication between customer and the organisation.application/pdfH Social Sciences (General)organisatsioonidkaubamärgidturunduskommunikatsioonmuutusedidentiteettelekommunikatsioonElionbakalaureusetöödElioni brändi imago neli aastat pärast brändiidentiteedi muutmistThesis