Flores, HuberOts, Henri2017-04-262017-04-262016http://hdl.handle.net/10062/56255Nutitelefonide järjest kasvava populaarsuse tõttu otsivad ettevõtted üha uusi võimalusi, kuidas seda turundamiseks ära kasutada. Üheks populaarsemaks viisiks on osutnud allahindluskupongide pakkumine toodetele selleks spetsiaalselt loodud rakenduste kaudu. Seda tüüpi rakendused on kogunud miljoneid allalaadimisi. Sellegipoolest, pole seni loodud rakendust, mis toimib põhimõttel, et allahindluskoodi saab ainult juhul, kui kasutaja jagab pakkumist seadmelt seadmele või jagatakse pakkumist temaga. Sellist tüüpi rakendus põhineks partnervõrgus (P2P) andmete edasmisel. Seetõttu arendatakse prototüüp, kuhu implementeeritakse Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth ja NFC, et testida nende jõudlust ja kasutmise lihtsust katsetega. Selgus, et kupongide jagamiseks oli kõige lihtsam ja kiirem tehnoloogia NFC, aga ainult ainult 7% katsealustest olid seda varem kasutanud ja vaid 17% olid selle oma telefonis aktiveerinud. Samal ajal kulus Wi-Fi Directi ja Blue-toothiga jagamisega tunduvalt rohkem aega kui NFCga. Need tulemused näitavad, et ükski P2P andmejagamise tehnoloogiatest ei ole universaalselt parim ning kõige mõistlikum oleks lasta kasutajal valida, millist meetodit kasutades ta kuponge jagada soovib.With the growing popularity of smartphones, companies are seeking for new ways of marketing. One way has been promoting products by offering discount coupons through applications specifically designed for that. Applications offering coupons have reached millions of downloads. Yet, no application has been created, which gives discount codes only when sharing the offer from device to device or when getting shared from device to device. This kind of application would rely on a peer-to-peer (P2P) data sharing. Therefore a prototype application will be developed, implementing Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct and Near Field Communication (NFC) to test the usabilty and performance of these methods by conducting experiments. According to the results, NFC was the quickest and easiest for sharing coupons, but only 7% of experiment participants had used it before and only 17% had it enabled as it is a relatively new technology. At the same time, Wi-Fi Direct and Bluetooth were no match to NFC regarding the total sharing time of one coupon. These results show that no single technology should be favoured and the most reasonable approach would be not to remove any of the three sharing methods from the application, but let the user decide which on to use.engSeadmelt seadmele kupongide levitamineD2D Coupon DisseminationThesis