Paršovs, Arnis, juhendajaTeivens, MikusTartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkondTartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituut2023-09-222023-09-222021 smart home devices are manufactured with the idea that the house owner should be able to automate various heating, lightning, energy consumption heavy tasks. While the idea of the smart house sounds great, as with all other things, the convenience does not come without a price, and in authors opinion this price to pay is usually the privacy of the consumer. In this thesis the author will examine a few, most commonly available smart home solutions in the Baltic region and analyze what potential security and privacy issues these solutions or the applications controlling them, might introduce.engopenAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalsmart homefirmwareprivacymobilemagistritöödinformaatikainfotehnoloogiainformaticsinfotechnologyAnalysis of Security and Privacy Issues in Common Smart Home ProductsThesis