Tartu Ülikooli bakalaureuseastme üliõpilaste akadeemilise motivatsiooni võrdlus kahe teaduskonna näitel


2012-03-14, 2012

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Tartu Ülikool
Tartu Ülikool


The overall aim of this Seminari paper was to study the differences of motivation between the students of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Science and Technology – both of which are under the University of Tartu. Amongst other factors, I measured the differences regarding the sex of the student. I also aimed to adapt the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS-C 28) College (CEGEP) Version (AMS) into Estonian, and by doing that, I was able to apply the scale to the current research project. The respectful questionnaire was presented to the students via the Internet (TÜPH media of research). I used the SPSS program for my data analysis. The results showed that students from the Faculty of Philosophy have a higher inner motivation (p=0.014; p<0.05), but a lower outer motivation (p=0.031; p<0.05) in academic achievements compared to the students in the Faculty of Science and Technology. The results also showed that women tend to have a higher inner motivation (p=0.20; p< 0.05) as well as a higher outer motivation (p=0.002; p<0.05) in academic achievements. Data analysis showed, that the internal consistency of the AMS was high (corrected Cronbach’s α=0.820).



õpimotivatsioon, enesetõhusus, üliõpilased, soolised erinevused
