Nõukogude aja representatsioon arvamuslugudes 2007. - 2010. aastani ajalehes Postimees



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Tartu Ülikool


The subject of the present Bachelor thesis is “Representation of Soviet era in opinion stories in the newspaper Postimees 2007.-2010”. The aim of the paper is to explore how Soviet era was representated in opinion stories, also what phenomena or problems occurred in the context of references to the Soviet era. This topic is relevant for several reasons. Firstly, Soviet era is studied sociologically and ethnologically but there are few researches that have studied Soviet era representation in media. Secondly, Estonia as a society is currently in a transfer stadium, coming from Soviet regime and becoming a capitalistic country. So it is interesting to study if and how Estonia is, compared with Soviet era, the present day. The first chapter sets a theoretical framework for the analyses. The main topics discussed were how the press presents and reproduces collective memories, ideology, discourse and the concept of representation. The first chapter also includes previous empirical studies like conducted by University of Tartu Institute of Journalism and Communication called Mina.Maailm.Meedia. The study results show estonians assessments of the life during Soviet era. The study involved 1,044 Estonians aged 15-74, the survey was conducted in November and October 2011. The second chapter describes the research questions and methods of analysis as well the selection for analyses. The present Bachelor thesis is based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of articles. Third chapter describes qualitative and quantitative results in the study. Also in this chapter, there is description of discourses appeared in articles. Fourth chapter includes conclusions and discussion. Main conclusions of this Bachelor thesis was that Soviet era representation in articles was mainly neutral or negative. Most often the articles including references to the Soviet era talked about: politics/power/ideology. Most negative topic was healthcare and most positive topic was sport. Most positive group of authors were commoners (letter from a reader) and most negative group of authors were opinion leader/columnist. In discussion the author compared study results of Mina.Maailm.Meedia and results of this Bachelor thesis. Also tried to find current ideological trends. The Bachelor thesis ends with a summary, both in Estonian and in English, followed by references and appendix.


