Testipõhise arenduse juhtumiuuring



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Magistritöö eesmärk on analüüsida idufirmade näitel test-driven development (TDD) tarkvaraarendusprotsessides rakendamise tugevusi ja nõrkusi. Magistritöö kirjeldab uurimust kolmesetapis: esimene etapp keskendub varajases staadiumis idufirmade uurimisele, kus on jubaTDD rakendatud ning kus firma ülesandeks on rakendada tarkvara teenuse (ingl. k. SaaS)toodet oma klientidele (firma A). Selle etapi eesmärgiks on analüüsida hetkel olemasolevattarkvaraarenduse metoodikat ja millist rolli täidab TDD kogu protsessis. Teine etappkeskendub hetkel kasutatavate TDD praktikate tuvastamisele ettevõttes, mis on edukaltjuurutanud nimetatud praktika oma tarkvaraarendusse (firma B). See etapp koosnebpõhjalikust TDD praktika analüüsist firmas B - kuidas võeti TDD esmakordselt kasutusele,juurutamisel esinevad väljakutsed, TDD kasutuselevõtmise põhjused ning idufirma nägemusTDD tuleviku suhtes. Kolmas ehk viimane etapp keskendub andmete kogumisele teisteltettevõtetelt, mis kasutavad TDD-d ning analüüs, kuidas saaks antud uuringust saadudandmepõhiseid teadmisi kasutada otsuse langetamiseks firma A jaoks, arvestades TDDeeliseid ja puudusi.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the benefits and/or drawbacks regarding theimplementation of Test Driven Development (TDD) as part of the software developmentlifecycle of startup companies. This study was conducted in three phases: The first phasefocused on a study of the current TDD implementations in an early stage startup companyassigned the task of delivering Software as a Service(SaaS) product to their clients (CompanyA). The main purpose of this stage will be to analyse the current existing softwaredevelopment methodology and what role (if any) TDD plays in the entire process. Thesecond phase revolved around identifying the current existing practices of TDD in a companythat has successfully embedded the practice into their software development lifecycle(Company B). This phase involved an in depth analysis of the TDD practice in Company B:how it was first introduced, the challenges faced during the initial stages of implementation,reasons for its adoption as well as their views on the future of TDD. The third and finalphase focused on gathering data from other companies that practice TDD and how theknowledge acquired from this study can be used to make a data driven decision regarding thebenefits/drawback of TDD for company A.


