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    Identifying patient safety research priorities in Estonia: results of a Delphi consensus study
    (BMJ, 2022-09-05) Freimann, Tiina; Põlluste, Kaja; Calsbeek, Hiske; Kangasniemi, Mari; Lember, Margus; Orrego, Carola; van Tuijl, Anne; Vall-Roqué, Helena; Starkopf, Joel
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    Developing the University of Tartu in Estonia into a wellnetworked Patient Safety Research Centre (PATSAFE): A study protocol
    (Open Research Europe, 2022-09-05) Põlluste, Kaja; Calsbeek, Hiske; Orrego, Carola; Ballester, Marta; Suñol, Rosa; Vall-Roqué, Helena; Kangasniemi, Mari; Läänelaid, Siim; Starkopf, Joel; van Tuijl, Anne; Wollersheim, Hub; Freimann, Tiina; Mägi, Liisi; Bañeres, Joaquim; Fernández-Maillo, María del Mar; Emond, Yvette; Lember, Margus
    Background: Patient safety (PS) is a serious global public health problem affecting all countries. Estimates show that around 10 percent of the patients are harmed during hospital care, resulting in 23 million disability-adjusted life years lost per year. Experts emphasize research advancements as a key precondition for safer care. Aim: The Patient Safety Research Centre (PATSAFE) project enhances the Institute of Clinical Medicine of the University of Tartu’s (ICM-UT) research potential and capacities in PS in order to improve and strengthen knowledge and skills in methods, techniques and experience for PS research. Methods: A strategic partnership with Avedis Donabedian Research Institute in Spain, and IQ Healthcare in the Netherlands, both international leaders in PS research, enables the development of a long-lasting knowledge exchange, allowing the ICM-UT to capitalise on its current achievements and to overcome gaps in scientific excellence in the field of PS research. These twining activities will strengthen and raise the research profile of the ICM-UT academic staff and early-stage researchers (ESRs), by implementing the hands-on training on methods, techniques, and experience in PS research. The project also encourages the active participation of early stage researchers in PS research by increasing their soft skills, to ensure the continuity and sustainability of PS research in ICM-UT. Finally, development of the research strategy on PS contributes to the long-term sustainability of PS research in Estonia. To implement these activities, PATSAFE foresees a comprehensive strategy consisting of knowledge exchange, soft research skills capacity building, strategic planning, and strong dissemination and exploitation efforts. Expected results: As a result of the project, ICM-UT will have the capacity to carry out PS research using the appropriate methodology and the competences to apply state-of-the-art evidence-based strategies for PS research.