Ajakirjade “Auto Bild Eesti” ja “Tehnikamaailm” sisu ning lugejad

dc.contributor.advisorVihalemm, Peeter, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorKarask, Peeter
dc.descriptionThe magazines (“Auto Bild Eesti” and “Tehnikamaailm”) that are researched in present Bachelor Thesis can be characterized by the diversity and great variety of topics. Both magazines should interest the widest possible readership, which especially applies to the last mentioned magazine. The type of the readership of both magazines is very similar: primarily Estonian males, originated from Tallinn or Northern Estonia, aged 20 – 39, who have a high-school education, and an above average income per person. The topics of “Tehnikamaailm” are mainly automobiles (rallies, tests, evaluations, comparisons), tractors and other agricultural machines, Formula 1, construction, home appliances (comparisons, tests), motosport, aircrafts, ships, cellular phones (tests, comparisons, options), electronics, transportation, hiking (hiking equipment etc), fuel (tests, comparisons). The orientation of the magazine is clear and concrete, manly – no deviations from the subject, very diverse content, different topics that interest men. Sporadically it functions as a men’s magazine (advertisements of men’s perfumes etc). In the author’s opinion the vulnerability of the magazine is the eminence of translated columns; now and then the subjects may be too distant for an Estonian man. “Tehnikamaailm” has notably greater readership, which is connected with the fact that the magazine has been on the market for a longer period of time, but coincides with the readership of “Auto Bild Eesti”, who tends to live in the urban areas, is rather youngish, mainly has a high-school education. In case of both magazines the readership has a tendency of becoming more county-centered and younger and less- educated type of reader. “Auto Bild Eesti” is a practical car magazine, with subjects like tests and appliances, practice, reportage, sports, news and entertainment, and also to small extent topics concerning used cars and bicycles. The purpose of the articles is primarily to give practical advice, less news and a bit of entertainment. The magazine portrays people more. The proportion of used cars in both magazines is trivial, which by the author’s opinion should get more attention. One of the weaknesses of the magazine is the minimal amount of experience on the market and at times the superficial approach to subjects – the aspiration to be appealing to everyone may give an opposite effect. In conclusion one can state that the both magazines have an informative, regulative and also an entertaining role and they both contribute significantly in informing members of society and enlightening them in the area of automobiles and other technical devices foremost through versatile information, which gives the individual the opportunity to make one’s own choices.
dc.identifierKarask, Peeter (2005) Ajakirjade “Auto Bild Eesti” ja “Tehnikamaailm” sisu ning lugejad. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikool
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.subjectauditoorium (meedia)
dc.titleAjakirjade “Auto Bild Eesti” ja “Tehnikamaailm” sisu ning lugejad


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