BULGARIA. Risks and Opportunities Related to Media and Journalism Studies (2000–2020). Case Study on the National Research and Monitoring Capabilities.



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The text provides an overview of some of the major sources and datasets on deliberative communication in Bulgaria in four domains: legal and ethical regulation, journalism, media usage patterns, and media related competences. While in some of these domains research is well presented, in others it is not comprehensively developed. Comparatively well advanced is the analysis of media related legislation and regulation domain, although empirical practices are less explored. Reasoning on the media structure developments are more thoroughly approached in view of freedom of expression, freedom of information, and the ethical issues of media accountability. The journalism domain is addressed through market developments, public service media, content production, and working conditions. Media usage patterns are examined with the prevalence of issues regarding pluralism of viewpoints, relevance of news media, and trust in media. The domain of media related competences is of growing scholarly interest, especially in the area of media literacy initiatives and sustenance of professional standards. The exposition and the analysis of the collected sources may supplement tracking the critical junctions between the various elements of deliberative communication and to provide ground for outlining the risks and opportunities challenging the future of the media developments in the country.

