Treatment of landfill leachate and municipal wastewater in subsurface flow filters using mineralized peat and hydrated oil shale ash
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Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks on kindlaks teha hästi mineraliseerunud turba (edaspidi turba) ja kaltsiumirikka hüdratiseerunud põlevkivituha (edaspidi tuha) efektiivsus prügila nõrgveest ja olmereoveest erinevate reoainete, eelkõige fosfori (P) ja lämmastiku (N) eemaldamises ning orgaanilise aine lagundamises, kasutades neid materjale vertikaal- (VF-des) ja horisontaalvoolulistes pinnasfiltrites (HF-des). Doktoritöö sisaldab ka kirjanduse ülevaadet reoveest P ärastamiseks kasutatud filtermaterjalide kohta maailmas. Doktoritöö raames läbi viidud kolme eksperimentaaluurimuse põhjal võib järeldada, et turvas on potentsiaalne filtermaterjal nõrgvee ja olmereovee järelpuhastuseks just perioodiliselt koormatavates VF-des, milles toimub efektiivselt nitrifikatsioon (NH4-N sisaldus vähenes kuni 93%) ja aeroobsed tingimused soodustavad orgaanika lagundamist (biokeemilise hapnikutarve vähenes kuni 95%). Häid tulemusi saadi ka P sidumises nõrgveest ja reoveest (efektiivsus kuni 99%), kuigi turba adsorptsioonivõime ammendus 6 kuu jooksul. Hüdratiseerunud tuha P-sidumise efektiivsus oli suurepärane HF-des: PO4-P-st eemaldati keskmiselt 98–99%; keskmine akumulatsioon 100–180 mg P kg–1. Stabiilset ja kõrget P-ärastuse efektiivsust tuha HF-des ei mõjutanud ka erinev reovee koostis ja reostusaste, kusjuures arvutuslik kumulatiivne P-sidumisvõime ei kahanenud kogu aasta väldanud katse jooksul (R2=0,99). Mineraloogiliste uurimuste tulemused näitavad, et selline kõrge P sidumisvõime on seotud reaktiivsete Ca-mineraalide (tähtsaimad ettringiit ja portlandiit) kõrge sisaldusega tuhas, mis tagavad P aktiivse keemilise sadestumise Ca-fosfaadina. Fosforiärastuseks ja parima veekvaliteedi saavutamiseks võib soovitada puhastussüsteemi, milles veega küllastunud tuhafiltrile järgneb perioodiliselt koormatav mineraliseerunud turbaga täidetud vertikaalvooluline pinnasfilter, mis vähendaks ka tuhafiltrist tulenevat kõrget pH väärtust.
In this PhD dissertation the performance and efficiency of well-mineralized Sphagnum peat (peat) and hydrated oil shale ash (ash), used as media in vertical (VF) and horizontal subsurface flow (HF) filters in the removal of the main contaminants – phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and organic matter from landfill leachate and municipal wastewater, are assessed. In addition, a literature review on different filter materials used for P removal from wastewater has been performed. Three experimental studies showed that VF peat filters were suitable for efficient nitrification (the removal efficiency of NH4-N was 93%) and the aerobic conditions promoted the removal of organic matter (reduction of biochemical oxygen demand up to 95%). Phosphorus reduction in peat filters (70–99% during 6 months in operation) suggests that due to the saturation of sorption sites the removal efficiency falls. The HF hydrated ash filters showed the best results in P removal (median removal of phosphates 98–99%; accumulation 100–180 mg P kg–1), whereas different real wastewater compositions and P loadings did not affect the high efficiency. The results of the complex mineralogical research indicated that the high P-binding potential of ash is considered to be due to the high ratio of reactive calcium minerals, of which portlandite and ettringite are the most important. The active filtration technique uses the direct immobilization of phosphates into low soluble forms by the dissolution of Ca-phases into pore water and the precipitation of Ca-phosphates. The most efficient setup for P removal would be a subsequent combination of saturated HF ash filter and VF peat filter. Importantly, the peat filter would decrease the pH of the effluent from the highly alkaline hydrated ash filter system.
In this PhD dissertation the performance and efficiency of well-mineralized Sphagnum peat (peat) and hydrated oil shale ash (ash), used as media in vertical (VF) and horizontal subsurface flow (HF) filters in the removal of the main contaminants – phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and organic matter from landfill leachate and municipal wastewater, are assessed. In addition, a literature review on different filter materials used for P removal from wastewater has been performed. Three experimental studies showed that VF peat filters were suitable for efficient nitrification (the removal efficiency of NH4-N was 93%) and the aerobic conditions promoted the removal of organic matter (reduction of biochemical oxygen demand up to 95%). Phosphorus reduction in peat filters (70–99% during 6 months in operation) suggests that due to the saturation of sorption sites the removal efficiency falls. The HF hydrated ash filters showed the best results in P removal (median removal of phosphates 98–99%; accumulation 100–180 mg P kg–1), whereas different real wastewater compositions and P loadings did not affect the high efficiency. The results of the complex mineralogical research indicated that the high P-binding potential of ash is considered to be due to the high ratio of reactive calcium minerals, of which portlandite and ettringite are the most important. The active filtration technique uses the direct immobilization of phosphates into low soluble forms by the dissolution of Ca-phases into pore water and the precipitation of Ca-phosphates. The most efficient setup for P removal would be a subsequent combination of saturated HF ash filter and VF peat filter. Importantly, the peat filter would decrease the pH of the effluent from the highly alkaline hydrated ash filter system.
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