Selle valdkonna püsiv URIhttps://hdl.handle.net/10062/42114
Sirvi Tehnoloogiainstituut Autor "Abels, Artur" järgi
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Kirje Mehitamata langevarjule arendusplatvormi loomine(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Tiirats, Timo; Abels, Artur; Moks, Andres; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. TehnoloogiainstituutMaailmas kasvab järjest trend saata tellitud pakke laiali mehitamata sõidukeid kasutades. Sellest lähtuvalt on käesoleva töö eesmärk valmistada arendusplatvorm mehitamata langevarju juhtimiseks. Töö käigus arendatakse välja sobiv elektroonikalahendus koos sobivate andurite ning aktuaatoritega. Lisaks valmistatakse seadmele langevarju kinnitamiseks korpus. Valminud seadme puhul on pööratud tähelepanu kasutajamugavusele ning võimalusele kasutada seda tulevikus erinevate lendamisalgoritmide väljatöötamisel. Töö käigus kirjutatud püsivara põhjal viidi läbi katsed, et testida seadmesse paigaldatud andurite ja mootorite tööd. In english: There is a growing trend in the world to distribute ordered packages using unmanned vehicles. For this reason, the aim of this thesis is to create a development platform for controlling an unmanned parachute. In the course of the research, a suitable electronics solution is developed together with suitable sensors and actuators. In addition, a housing is made for attaching the parachute to the device. In the case of the completed device, attention has been paid to user comfort and the possibility to use it in the future in the development of various flight algorithms. Based on the firmware written during the work, experiments were performed to test the operation of the sensors and motors installed in the device.Kirje System Architecture and Component Evaluation for ESTCube-2 Electrical Power System(Tartu Ülikool, 2016) Ilbis, Erik; Pajusalu, Mihkel; Abels, Artur; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. TehnoloogiainstituutThis thesis is focused on the architecture of the electrical power system (EPS) and implementations of the various subsystems within the EPS for ESTCube-2 nanosatellite. The main goals are to establish a high level system architecture compatible with the rest of the satellite and investigate solutions for the battery management and protection (BMPS) and the voltage conversion and power distribution systems (VCPDS). In this work, an overview is given of the ESTCube-2 mission and the satellite’s architecture. Based on the satellite architecture, requirements are set for the EPS subsystems to be investigated. For the BMPS, two hot-swap controller based solutions are investigated, prototyped and tested. For the VCPDS, two load switch designs are evaluated, six different voltage converters are characterized and solutions for the power distribution system are proposed. Based on the testing results, recommendations are made for the final implementation.