Talbot, William Henry Fox. Fotokogu

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/10062/224

Inglise füüsiku ja keemiku, fotograafilise negatiiv-positiivmenetluse leiutaja William Henry Fox Talboti (1800-1877) fotokogu väärtuslikema osa moodustavad tema 10 originaalfotot (soolapaberfotod; 1840-ndad) ja 11 tema väljatöötatud meetodil valmistatud fotogravüüri (enne 1866. aastat). The most valuable part of the photograph collection of William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877), the English physicist and chemist and the inventor of the negative-positive process in photography, (38 items) is made up of his ten original photographs (salted paper prints; 1840s) and his eleven photoengravings made by using a method invented by him (before 1866).
