Sirvi Autor "Hasan, Mohammad Mehedi" järgi
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Kirje Bovine follicular fluid and extracellular vesicles derived from follicular fluid alter the bovine oviductal epithelial cells transcriptome."(MPDI, 2020-07-28) Hasan, Mohammad Mehedi; Viil, Janeli; Lättekivi, Freddy; Ord, James; Ul Ain Reshi, Qurat; Jääger, Kersti; Velthut-Meikas, AgneWhile follicular fluid (FF) is well known to provide an optimal environment for oogenesis, its functional roles following its release into the oviduct during ovulation are currently elusive. We hypothesized that FF and FF-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) may be conveyors of signals capable of inducing functionally-relevant transcriptional responses in oviductal cells. The aim of this study was, therefore, to evaluate the effect of FF and FF-derived EVs on the transcriptome of primary bovine oviductal epithelial cells (BOECs). We examined the gene expression of BOECs in three conditions: BOECs cultured with FF, FF-derived EVs, and without supplementations. For each condition, cells were cultured for 6 and 24 h. RNA sequencing results revealed that FF had a stronger effect on BOECs gene expression compared to EVs. We detected 488 and 1998 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) with FF treatment in 6 and 24 h, respectively, whereas only 41 DEGs were detected at 6 h following EV treatment. Pathway analysis of the FF-induced DEGs showed that several pathways were highly enriched, notably oxidative phosphorylation, thermogenesis, arachidonic acid metabolism, and steroid hormone biosynthesis. Some of these pathways have a role in sperm survival, fertilization, and early embryo development. In conclusion, the findings of our study demonstrate for the first time that bovine FF and FF-derived EVs can induce changes in the gene expression of the bovine oviductal cells which, although observed in vitro, may be reflective of in vivo responses which may contribute to a favorable periconceptional microenvironment for sperm survival, fertilization, and early embryo development.Kirje Cellular, Extracellular and Extracellular Vesicular miRNA Profiles of Pre-Ovulatory Follicles Indicate Signaling Disturbances in Polycystic Ovaries(MPDI, 2020-12-15) Rooda, Ilmatar; Hasan, Mohammad Mehedi; Roos, Kristine; Viil, Janeli; Andronowska, Aneta; Smolander, Olli-Pekka; Jaakma, Ülle; Salumets, Andres; Fazeli, Alireza; Velthut-Meikas, AgneCell-free RNAs have the potential to act as a means of gene expression regulation between cells and are therefore used as diagnostic markers describing the state of tissue environment. The origin and functions of such RNAs in human ovarian follicle, the environment of oocyte maturation, are unclear. The current study investigates the difference in the microRNA profiles of fertile women and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients in three compartments from the same preovulatory follicle: mural granulosa cells (MGC), cell-free follicular fluid (FF), and extracellular vesicles (EV) of the FF by small RNA sequencing. In silico analysis was used for the prediction and over-representation of targeted pathways for the detected microRNAs. PCOS follicles were distinguished from normal tissue by the differential expression of 30 microRNAs in MGC and 10 microRNAs in FF (FDR < 0.1) that commonly regulate cytokine signaling pathways. The concentration of EV-s was higher in the FF of PCOS patients (p = 0.04) containing eight differentially expressed microRNAs (p < 0.05). In addition, we present the microRNA profiles of MGC, FF, and EV in the fertile follicle and demonstrate that microRNAs loaded into EVs target mRNAs of distinct signaling pathways in comparison to microRNAs in FF. To conclude, the three follicular compartments play distinct roles in the signaling disturbances associated with PCOS.Kirje Characterization of follicular fluid-derived extracellular vesicles and their contribution to periconception environment(2022-09-19) Hasan, Mohammad Mehedi; Fazeli, Alireza, juhendaja; Jaakma, Ülle, juhendaja; Salumets, Andres, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Meditsiiniteaduste valdkondViljatuse levimus on tänapäeval üheks suurimaks murekohaks. Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni prognooside kohaselt on viljatus 21. sajandil suuruselt kolmas ülemaailmne terviseprobleem, mis jääb alla ainult vähi ja südame-veresoonkonna haigustele. Abistav reproduktiivtehnoloogia (Assisted Reproductive Technology - ART), sealhulgas in vitro viljastamine, on oluline terapeutiline meetod viljatuse ravis. ART edukuse määr ei ole aga endiselt piisavalt kõrgel tasemel ning on veel palju arenguruumi meetodi tõhusamaks muutmisel. Üks peamisi põhjuseid võib olla sugurakkude kvaliteedi tõstmise ebaõnnestumine ning ka ebasobiv implatatsioonieelne keskkond. Viimastel aastatel on EV-sid (membraaniga ümbritsetud nanosuuruses osakesed) üha enam tunnustatud kui alternatiivset rakkudevahelise suhtluse viisi. Mitmed uuringud on näidanud, et EV-sid on eraldatud peaaegu kõigist bioloogilistest vedelikest, sealhulgas follikulaarvedelikust (FF). FF-st pärinevad EV-d on olulised munarakkude küpsemiseks, viljastamiseks ja embrüo arenguks ning EVd on ka potentsiaalsed patofüsioloogiliste seisundite biomarkerid. Antud projektis uurisime FF EV-de rolli munajuha geeniekspressiooni reguleerimisel ning nende mõju spermatosoidide elutähtsatele funktsioonidele. Lisaks uurisime ka EV kaasas kantavate komponentide muutuseid polütsüstiliste munasarjade sündroomi (PCOS) patsientide FF EV-des võrreldes tervete inimestega. Meie esimene uuring näitas, et veiste FF ja FF EV-d muudavad veiste munajuhade epiteelirakkude geeniekspressiooni, mis võib kaasa aidata implantatsiooni eelse mikrokeskkonna, viljastamise ja embrüo varajase arengu ettevalmistamisele. Samamoodi näitas meie teine uuring, et veiste FF EV-d parendavad veiste spermatosoidide funktsionaalseid omadusi, eriti elujõulisust, kapatsitatsiooni ja akrosoomireaktsiooni. Lõpuks näitas meie kolmas uuring EV kaasas kantavate komponentide muutuseid erinevates patofüsioloogilistes seisundites (võrreldi PCOS patsiente ja viljakaid naisi) ja nende panust munasarjade signaali häiretesse. MiRNA-de analüüs näitas, et PCOS-i naistelt saadud FF EV-d kannavad tervete naistega võrreldes erinevaid miRNA-sid. Meie tulemused kinnitasid ka PCOS-i naiste puhul uudse FF EV-dest tuletatud miRNA, mida võiks kasutada PCOS-i diagnoosimise potentsiaalse biomarkerina. Kokkuvõtteks kinnitasid meie uuringute üldised leiud EV-de olemasolu FF-is ja nende mõju spermatosoididele ja munajuhade geeniekspressioonile ning erinevusi FF EV-de kaasas kantavates komponentides PCOS-i patsientide ja tervete naiste puhul.Kirje Spermatozoa induce transcriptomic alterations in bovine oviductal epithelial cells prior to initial contact(2020-09-03) Qurat Ul Ain, Qurat; Viil, Janeli; Ord, James; Lättekivi, Freddy; Godakumara, Kasun; Hasan, Mohammad Mehedi; Nõmm, Monika; Jääger, Kersti; Velthut-Meikas, Agne; Jaakma, Ülle; Salumets, Andres; Fazeli, AlirezaThe capability of spermatozoa to directly influence maternal gene expression is already established. Indeed, some of the changes induced by spermatozoa may have a direct functional importance in the pre-conceptional period. Although the mechanisms underlying these sperm-maternal interactions are not well characterized, it is possible that they could involve ligands that are released from the spermatozoa. This study therefore aimed to test whether physical contact between bovine spermatozoa and bovine oviductal epithelial cells (BOECs) is a prerequisite for spermatozoa-induced gene expression changes. We used two co-culture models: a contact co-culture model in which spermatozoa interact directly with BOECs, and a non-contact co-culture model in which an insert with the pore size of 0.4 μm was placed between spermatozoa and BOECs. Messenger RNA sequencing analysis of BOECs by RNA-seq revealed ten differentially expressed genes in contact system and 108 differentially expressed genes in the non-contact system after 10 h of co-culture. Retinol metabolism pathway and ovarian steroidogenesis pathway were significantly enriched in the non-contact co-culture system. Q-PCR analysis revealed that transcriptional responses can be rapid, with increased expression of four genes (DHRS3, CYP1B1, PTGS2, and ATF3) detectable within just 90 min of co-incubation, but with expression levels highly dependent on the type of co-culture system. The findings from our study demonstrate that direct contact with spermatozoa is not necessary to induce changes in gene expression of oviductal epithelial cells, suggesting that spermatozoa may be able to signal to maternal tissues in advance of their arrival.