Browsing by Author "Ho, Xuan Dung"
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Item Characterization of the genomic profile of osteosarcoma(2018-10-26) Ho, Xuan Dung; Märtson, Aare, juhendaja; Maasalu, Katre, juhendaja; Koks, Sulev, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Meditsiiniteaduste valdkondOsteosarkoom (OS) on kõige sagedamini esinev esmase luu pahaloomulise kasvaja vorm. Igal aastal diagnoositakse ligikaudu 3 esmast OS juhtumit miljoni elaniku kohta. Haigus esineb sagedamini noorematel ja meessoost isikutel. Esmased haigussümptomid on mittespetsiifilised, mistõttu võib haigus esmasel pöördumisel tähelepanuta jääda. Sagedamini esineb OS suurtes toruluudes nagu reieluu, sääreluu ja õlavarreluu ning levib sagedamini kopsukoesse. Ehkki keemiaravi kombineerituna operatiivse sekkumisega aitab oluliselt elulemust parandada ei pruugi need aidata tervistuda. Seetõttu on OS-i prognoos halb ning pole muutunud 1980 aastatest. OS-i põhjus ja tekkemehhanism ei ole teada ning seetõttu pole leitud ks uusi raviviise. Viimasel ajal on hoogustunud ODi genoomika uuringud parandamaks selle haiguse tekkemehhanismidest arusaamist. Selle tulemusena on kirjeldatud mitmeid muutusi genoomi struktuuris. Geenide ekspressiooni diferentsiaalanalüüsid on kirjeldanud mitmesuguseid leide, kuid uuringudisainide erinevused ei ole senini võimaldanud saavutada terviklikke tulemusi. Oma töös rakendasime paarisdisaini, kus võrldesime samade isikute kasvajalise ja terve luukoe transkriptoomi. Proovide arvu suurendamiseks kasutasime ka parafiinsisestatud arhiivimaterjali, mis võimaldas hinnata keemiaraviist tingtud transkriptoomi muutusi. Normaalse ja kasvajalise koe vahel leidsime ekspressiooni erinevusi 5000 geeni puhul. Suur osa geene oli seotud luukoe reorganiseerimisega, dediferentseerumise ja invasioonida. Lisaks uurisime ka transposoonide ja korduselementide ekspressiooni muutusi. Tuvastasime SAR ja HSATII elementide ja (CATTC)n lihtjärjestuse üleekspressiooni osteosarkoomi koes. Tegemist on osteosarkoomile spetsifiliste makeritega, mis võivad aidata mõista osetosarkoomi patogeneesi.Item Cross-Sectional Study to Characterise Nicotine Dependence in Central Vietnamese Men(SAGE, 2019) Kõks, Gea; Tran, Ha Diep Thi; Ngoc Bich Thi, Ngoc Bich Thi; Nhat Nguyen Hoang, Linh; Tran, Hue Minh Thi; Ngoc, Thanh Cao; Phuoc, Thuoc Doan; Ho, Xuan Dung; Duy, Binh Ho; Lättekivi, FreddyTobacco is legally permitted for adults, easily available, and the prevalence of smoking is high. Tobacco use is the largest preventable risk factor for human disease. To reduce smoking, many countries have introduced public policy to restrict the distribution of tobacco. The aim of this study was to analyse tobacco smoking and nicotine dependence in Central Vietnamese men around Hue and Da Nang cities. Nicotine dependence was measured using the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) score. The cohort contained total of 1822 Central Vietnamese men from Hue and Da Nang: 1453 smokers and 369 non-smokers. Individuals completed a questionnaire and factors such as smoking initiation, quitting behaviour, and success in quitting were also recorded. In the smoking group, the average amount of time in which the individual had smoked was 26.4years. Average FTND value was 4.02, median was 4, the first quartile was 2, and the third quartile was 6. In all, 431 smokers (30%) had an FTND score of 6 or higher; an FTND score of this value is considered to equate to an individual having high nicotine dependence. Therefore, it could be noted that high nicotine dependence is very common in Central Vietnam. High nicotine dependence was significantly correlated with years of smoking. The longer the smoking period, the higher the FTND score. A high FTND score correlated with the individual being less likely to successfully quit smoking. The results of the questionnaire demonstrate that even when there is no restriction in public policy concerning the distribution of tobacco, individuals still wish to quit smoking. This study identified a high prevalence of severe nicotine dependence in Central Vietnamese men and the majority of smokers wished to quit smoking. Consequently, the results of this study highlight the acute need for a specific program to aid smokers in Central Vietnam to quit smoking.