Browsing by Author "Lauk, Epp"
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Item A Landscape After the Storm: Development of the Estonian Media in the 1990s.(Hampton Press, 2003) Lauk, Epp; Harro, Halliki; Paletz, David L.; Jakubowicz, KarolItem Baltic States: Media Systems.(MA: Wiley- Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2008) Lauk, Epp; Donsbach, WolfgangItem Bibliographical data of media and journalism research related to risks and opportunities for deliberative communication in 14 countries (in 2000-2020)(2023) Lauk, EppThe main goal of the data gathering was to make it possible to describe and assess news media monitoring capability in each participating country. The theoretical-methodological framework of four domains where potential ROs appear (journalism, media related competences, media usage patterns and legal and ethical regulation) guided the selection of the publications. The matrices of relevant variables for each domain were worked out, which directed the selection process. Involving experts from 14 different countries, not only internationally available data and research, but also the studies in national languages are included.Item Children of Screen and Monitor. Estonian Schoolchildren in the New Media Environment.(Nordicom, Göteborg University, 2004) Lauk, Epp; Carlsson, UllaItem European Media Systems for Deliberative Communication: Risks and Opportunities(Routledge, 2024) Peruško, Zrinjka; Lauk, Epp; Harro-Loit, HallikiItem Horizon 2020 projekti MEDIADELCOM väljakutse: Euroopa 21. sajandi meediamuutused ning neist lähtuvad kommunikatsioonikultuuri riskid ja võimalused(2021) Harro-Loit, Halliki; Lauk, EppItem Kool suhtluskeskkonnana: õpetajate suhtlemistavad(Tartu Ülikool, 2008) Ugur, Kadri; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille; Lauk, Epp; Raudvassar, Liina; Metsoja, AnnekenUuringu põhieesmärk on kaardistada õpetajate suhtlustavasid, nende suhtlusvõrgustikke ja suhtlemiseks kasutatavaid tehnoloogilisi võimalusi. Uuring keskendub kolmele aspektile: 1) õpetajate õppe- ja kasvatustöö alase suhtlemise ja teabehankimise eesmärgid (temaatika), suhtlemise vormid ja suhtlusvõrgustikud (õpilaste, kolleegide jt partneritega suhtlemisel, enesetäiendamisel, õppematerjalide loomisel ja õpilasteni viimisel jms, sealhulgas IKT roll nendes); 2) uue meedia asend ja võimalused muude suhtlemisviiside kontekstis ning roll olemasolevate suhtlemisvõrgustike toimimises; 3) kuidas näevad õpetajate erinevaid suhtlemisviise ja -formaate õpilased.Item Milleks on vajalik meediaseire ning kes ja kuidas teeb seda Eestis? Projekti Mediadelcom esimesed tulemused(2022) Harro-Loit, Halliki; Lauk, EppItem Recreating Journalism after Censorship. Generational Shifts and Professional Ambiguities among Journalists after Changes in the Political Systems.(Polish Communication Association, 2008) Lauk, Epp; Høyer, SvennikItem Restoring Democratic Discourse in the Estonian Press (1987-1990).(Södertörn University College, 2005) Lauk, Epp; Bolin, Göran; Hammer, Monica; Kirsch, Frank-Michael; Szrubka, WojciechItem The 1940 Soviet Coup-d'Etat in the Estonian Communist Press: Constructing History to Reshape Collective Memory.(Communication and Media Research Institute of the University of Westminster., 2008) Lauk, Epp; Kreegipuu, TiiuItem The 1940 Soviet Coup-d’État in the Estonian Communist Press: Constructing History to Reshape Collective Memory.(2007) Kreegipuu, Tiiu; Lauk, EppItem The 9th ECREA European Communication Conference 19-22 Oct. 2022(2022) Glowacki, Michal; Demeter, Marton; Zankova, Bissera; Harro-Loit, Halliki; Lauk, Epp; Perusko, Zrinjka; Vozab, Dina; Trbojević, FilipItem The Antithesis of the Anglo-American News Paradigm. News Practices in Soviet Journalism.(Nordicom, Göteborg University, 2005) Lauk, Epp; HØyer, Svennik; Pöttker, Horst