Sirvi Autor "Lukason, Oliver" järgi
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Kirje Academic assets, life-cycle, and entrepreneurship: a longitudinal study of Estonian academic workers(2021) Mõttus, Maksim; Lukason, OliverThis study aimed to find out how academic assets are interconnected with firm creation by academic staff at different academic life-cycle stages. The applied theoretical setting integrated resource-based and life-cycle explanations of academic entrepreneurship. A longitudinal whole population dataset of Estonian academic workers was applied, with a dependent variable reflecting firm creation, and independent variables representing different academic assets. The logistic regression results indicated the varying importance of different academic assets at different academic career stages, while divergence also exists with respect to academic discipline. The results enable postulating several theoretical propositions, accompanied by practical implications for technology transfer at universities.Kirje Characteristics of firm failure processes in an international context(2016-11-08) Lukason, Oliver; Haldma, Toomas, juhendaja; Masso, Jaan, juhendaja; Laitinen, Erkki K., juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond.Ettevõtete ebaõnnestumise protsesse on uuritud kaua aega, muuhulgas seoses teema püsiva praktilise aktuaalsusega. Dissertatsiooni eesmärgiks on luua finants- ja mittefinantsnäitajaid kasutades uut teadmust ettevõtete ebaõnnestumise protsesside kohta. Ebaõnnestumise protsessina käsitletakse dissertatsioonis pankrotini viivat teekonda, mille puhul vaadeldakse nii küsimusi „miks“ (ebaõnnestumise põhjused) kui ka „kuidas“ (finantsnäitajate muutumine ebaõnnestumise protsessis). Teekonna all on töös mõeldud kas ettevõtte kogu eluiga või teatud aastaid enne pankroti väljakuulutamist. Töö põhineb neljal avaldatud teadusartiklil, mis tuginevad erinevate Euroopa riikide andmetele. Töö näitab, et väga noori ettevõtteid iseloomustavad kolme tüüpi ebaõnnestumise protsessid: akuutne, järk-järguline, krooniline. Vanematele ettevõtetele on omased ainult järk-järgulise ebaõnnestumise protsessid, milledele on iseloomulik lühi- ja pikaajalise maksevõime, rentaabluse ning efektiivsuse suhtarvude väärtuste halvenemine kuni pankroti väljakuulutamiseni. Erineva päritoluriigi ning erineva suurusega ettevõtteid iseloomustavad väga erinevad ebaõnnestumise protsessid. Ka ebaõnnestumise põhjused on riikide lõikes erinevad. Eesti ettevõtete ebaõnnestumist selgitab enim integreeritud teooria, st. ebaõnnestumine sise- ja väliskeskkonna põhjuste koosmõjus, kuid see ei kehti igas suuruses ja vanuses ettevõtete kohta. Näiteks ebaõnnestuvad vanad ettevõtted enim ainult väliskeskkonnast ning suured ettevõtted mõlema keskkonna koosmõjust tulenevate põhjuste tõttu. Töö tulemused annavad mõningaid praktilisi näpunäiteid, millised muutujad eri tüüpi ettevõtete korral võivad peatset pankrotistumist indikeerida.Kirje How does managerial experience predict the internationalization type of a young firm?(2021) Lukason, Oliver; Vissak, Tiia; Segovia-Vargas, Maria-JesusThis study aims to find out how useful managers' past general and export experience is in predicting whether young manufacturing firms become fast internationalizers. Extant literature about the role of managerial experience in determining young firms' internationalization type is scant. This paper fills this gap by providing systematic evidence on which kinds of general and export experience can be used for accurate predictions of two firm types: born globals and general fast internationalizers. Our dataset encompasses information about managerial experience of the whole population of young Estonian manufacturing firms. Based on using four different prediction methods (logistic regression, rough sets, decision tree, neural networks) and a large variety of variables reflecting managers' past experience, the results indicate that in prediction models, export experience variables are more valuable than general experience variables. Born globals can be predicted with an accuracy of at least 90% in case of all applied machine learning methods, while the precision is lower in case of general fast internationalizers. The study leads to important implications for international business theory and practice.Kirje New member in the boardroom and subsequent strategic change in the product-market scope of the firm(2020) Süsi, Virgo; Lukason, OliverPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the linkages between the appointment of a new management board member and the following strategic change in the product-market scope of the firm. Design/methodology/approach – The study is based on the whole population of Estonian firms, in total 16,941 observations, and the data is retrieved from Estonian Business Register. First, we focus on the association between the appointment of a new board member and the likelihood of different types of strategic change. Second, we focus on the association between the new board member’s previous export experience and the export related strategic change. Logistic regressions are applied for all models. Findings – The results indicate that there is a significant association between the appointment of a new board member and the subsequent start of exports and also continuing it, entrance into a new industry and making a strategic change in more broad terms, though the significance levels vary across the composed models. No significant relationship was found with the entrance into additional geographic market(s) for already exporting firms. There was also a significant association between previous export experience of a new board member and subsequent start of exporting. Originality/value – We look at strategic change in the product-market domain holistically by applying same data on both geographic and product portfolio expansion options. We also introduce the scale and stability contexts of strategic changes. These aspects are usually neglected from similar studies.Kirje Pankrotistumiste modelleerimine Eesti kaubandusettevõtete näitel(2006) Lukason, Oliver; Sander, Priit, juhendaja; Masso, Jaan, juhendaja