Browsing by Author "Mass, Jakob, juhendaja"
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Item A comparison of Over-the-Air Update approaches for the ESP32 and ESP8266 Development Boards(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Ossip, Oliver; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThis bachelor thesis goal is to research and test different over-the-air update opportunities with ESP32 and ESP8266 based Wi-Fi development boards. Nowadays, there are more In-ternet of Things devices, so there is a need to update these. The reason for that can either be a security flaw or a bug that needs to be fixed for the device to work. Over-the-air update allows to make changes fast and in remote locations where humans have no physical access. This thesis tests different frameworks and two separate generation development boards.Item Automaattestidel põhinev lahendus Androidi kodutööde automaatseks hindamiseks õppetöös(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Roosalu, Sander; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutLõputöö eesmärgiks oli luua Tartu Ülikooli mobiilirakenduste arendamise ainele automaatne Androidi kodutööde hindamissüsteem, kuhu kasutaja saaks Androidi kodutöid üles laadida ning saada kohest tagasisidet oma üleslaetud tööle. Süsteem loodi veebirakendusena kasutades Pythonit ja Flaski. Kodutööde hindamist viidi läbi skriptidega emuleeritud Androidi seadmel. Töö annab ka ülevaade, kuidas Android platvormil rakenduste arendamine ja nende testimine käib ning uuriti, kuidas automaatseid hindamissüsteeme on kasutatud Tartu Ülikoolis ja teistes ülikoolides. Loodud süsteem suudab täita oma eesmärki anda kohest tagasisidet. Selleks, et aga süsteem kursuse siseselt ka kasutust leiaks, peaks lisama juurde mitmeid uuendusi nt ümber kujundama püsiprogrammeeritud koodiridu ning täiustada kasutajaga suhtlust.Item Coverage Analysis of LPWAN in Estonia: Sigfox and NB-IoT Case study in Tallinn and Tartu(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Poddar, Nishant; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Khan, Sikandar, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutLow Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) have become an important technology for the Internet of Things, as they provide radio coverage in the order of kilometers and enable battery-powered devices to operate for years. This thesis presents the in-depth technical overview along with results of an in-field investigation of the coverage analysis of two LPWAN technologies i.e., NB-IoT and Sigfox, conducted in Tartu and Tallinn. The observations are taken for the time span of 12-24 hours with the evaluation boards using NB-IoT sim-cards by two commercially available NB-IoT operators (Telia and Elisa) and the single Sigfox operator in Estonia. Most of the existing literature on NBIoT coverage is replete with Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)-based coverage analyses. However, RSSI is most of the time not sufficient for evaluating LTE-based technologies including NB-IoT. Thus, our investigation of NB-IoT coverage considers three parameters: RSSI, Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP), and Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ). Sigfox, being a non-LTE technology, we base our coverage analysis only on the RSSI factor. Both technologies are evaluated in indoor, outdoor and deep-indoor/underground environments so as to provide an understanding of their coverage in various propagation and penetration conditions. Our results indicate that in outdoor scenarios, both Sigfox and NB-IoT achieve good to excellent coverage with almost 0% packet losses. However, in indoor scenarios, few packet losses were observed in Sigfox while no packet losses were observed in NB-IoT, even with a weaker coverage, and possibly due to re-transmissions that is a salient feature of the NB-IoT making it more reliable than its competitive LPWAN technologies. However, in deep-indoor or underground scenarios, coverage outages were recorded for NB-IoT, especially in Tartu area, indicating its weaker coverage in that city.Item Evaluating Maintainability of Android Applications: Mooncascade Case Study(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Öztürk, Mustafa Ogün; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutAndroid became one of the most comprehensive mobile platforms in the last decade. This comprehensiveness also brought more challenges to the Android application development. Android’s nature, demanding business needs, the frequent update rate of Android applications, and lastly, changing development teams are the four major challenges for Android applications. Maintainability is defined as how easy it is to update, modify, and maintain software. At this point, maintainability emerges as a key concept because developing maintainable Android applications facilitate the above-mentioned difficulties. The primary goal of this study is to evaluate the impact of the technologies and the methods used to develop Android applications by Mooncascede, a software product development company, on maintainability. These methods and technologies include principles (e.g. Clean Code, SOLID), architectural/design patterns (Clean Architecture, MVVM), and third-party libraries (RxJava, Dagger 2 and so on). The evaluation was conducted using the triangulation strategy, which is a mixed-method approach. Qualitative evaluation was conducted via interviews with the case company’s Android team (7 participants) and an Android developer survey filled by anonymous developers (over 150 participants). Also, quantitative evaluation was made via object-oriented software metrics. Study results reveal the positive impact of the evaluated methods and technologies on the maintainability of Android applications while pointing to the need for improvements. Results also indicate the need for a new maintainability model specific to the Android applications.Item Generating Process-based Mobile Applications for the Internet of Things using Automated Planning(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Kaio, Kelian; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutSmartphone devices are being used by more than half of the world population, and this means more opportunities to create mobile applications that help people with their daily lives. This thesis is looking into mobile apps for the Internet of Things, which are used in areas like smart homes, transportation, and healthcare. However, because of the massive scale of smart devices, supporting all of them is not feasible. Automated planning can help the application adapt to user’s and device’s context and support only those IoT devices which are needed by creating user-specific plans. These plans can be mapped into a business process model so the mobile application could execute them by using a business process engine. The goal of this thesis is to investigate and develop a framework that enables creating dynamic IoT mobile applications, using automated planning and business software management while taking into account user’s preferences and mobile device capabilities. Furthermore, it is analyzed which type of planning algorithm fits best for the motivating scenario. A framework prototype consisting of mobile application and backend is created for the motivating scenario is created as a proof of concept. The performance and scalability of the chosen planning algorithm and the developed prototype are evaluated.Item Integratsiooniteek Cumulocity IoT platvormi ajalooliste andmete analüüsiks Pythonis(Tartu Ülikool, 2019) Laius, Silver; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutAntud töös loodi Pythonis teek, millega saab Cumulocity IoT platvormi REST API kaudu ajaloolisi andmeid pärida. Teegi eesmärgiks on hõlbsustada ja kiiremaks teha Cumulocity’st andmete pärimist ning nende lihtsasti töödeldavale kujule viimist. Teegi loomisel oli fookus suurte andmemahtude pärimisel suure jõudlusega. Teeki kasutati 2019. aasta Metallica kontserti liiklusloendurite andmeanalüüsi andmete saamiseks Tartu linna Cumulocity platvormilt. Lisaks on töös välja toodud andmeanalüüsi töövoog ning tulemused, mis teid kaudu ning mis kellaajal kontserdikülastajad saabusid ning lahkusid Tartust.Item Jahitegevust toetava Android-rakenduse moderniseerimine Kotlinis(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Käosaar, Kristofer; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutItem Mobiilirakendus allergeenide tuvastamiseks toidupakendilt tekstituvastuse abil(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Kangur, Sander; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutToiduallergia esineb üha rohkematel inimestel. Seega on rohkem allergikuid, kes peavad valima, mida nad söövad. Toidupakendite etiketid ei vasta alati normidele, mistõttu võib nendest vajaliku info filtreerimine olla aeganõudev protsess. Probleemi lahendamiseks arendati eesti keeles kasutatav mobiilirakendus Scannit, mis kontrollib tekstituvastuse abil allergeenide sisaldust toidus. Kasutaja skaneerib pakendi etiketti ja saab personaalset tagasisidet oma allergeenide kohta. Rakenduse kvaliteedi hindamiseks viidi läbi kasutajatega testimine. Üldiselt jäid testijad rakendusega rahule. Katsed näitasid, et koostisosade skaneerimine toimis paremini kui nende käsitsi lugemine. Peale testimist likvideeriti katsealuste väljatoodud puudused.Item Õhukvaliteedi sensorite praktiline võrdlus CO2 taseme hindamiseks siseruumides(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Bachmann, Karl Hendrik; Peets, Alo, juhendaja; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutCOVID-19 kriisi tõttu on viimaste aastatega kasvanud vajadus CO2 sensorite ning teiste siseruumide õhukvaliteeti mõõtvate süsteemide järele. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on võr-relda taskukohaseid laialt levinud hobisensoreid CCS811, BME680 ja SCD41 ning selgitada välja neist täpseim, andes seejuures hinnangu töös käsitletud lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite sensorite täpsusele nn eCO2 mõõtmisel. Selleks loodi sensorist ja ESP32-st WiFi-ga ühen-datav mõõteseade, mis saatis andmed IoT platvormi Cumulocity. Kokku koguti kümne seadmega nelja nädala jagu mõõtmistulemusi neljas erinevas paigas: magamistoas, kontoris, klassiruumis ja seminariruumis. Töö tulemusena leiti, et SCD41 on võrreldud sensoritest parima mõõtmistäpsusega konkurentsivõimelise hinna juures.Item Stiimulõppel põhinev nutika kodu küttelahendus Energy2D simulatsioonitarkvaras(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Mukk, Erik; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutDuring the course of this bachelor thesis, a machine learning based heating system was created. System is based on reinforcement learning, which learns and automates heating in simulations running on Energy2D software. To evaulate the system, solutions based on reinforcement learning are compared to a benchmark, which is thermostat based heating. Built reinforcement learning based solution is able to operate the heater in the room autonomously. By configuring the system before training in a way that it depends on electricity price, environment heating profile changes. With this reinforcement learning based system, a 5%-15% savings in money spent on heating was achieved compared to the benchmark, whilst being as good or even better at holding target temperature of the room. At the end of the thesis, shortcomings of this system are indentified and tips to fix them are given. Also, future works are propsed.Item Targa kodu automatsioonid loogilise programmeerimisega Home Assistant platvormil(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Koodi, Markkus; Mass, Jakob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutTuntumate avatud lähtekoodiga targa kodu platvormidel puudub võimekus automatiseerida seadmeid eesmärgipõhiselt. Käesolev bakalaureusetöö loob rakenduse millega on võimalik eesmärgipõhiselt automatiseerida Home Assistant (HA) platvormile integreeritud seadmeid kasutades Prologi. Lisaks analüüsitakse loogilise programmeerimise võimekust automatiseermisel ning uuritakse millistel juhtudel on HA automatiseerimise süsteem parem kui valminud rakendus.