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Kirje N-graafide analüsaatori loomine(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Pukk, Johan Erik; Meier, Heidi, juhendaja; Lepp, Marina, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutProgrammeerimiskursustel kasutatakse tihti õppimiseks mõeldud programmeerimis- keskkondi, mis koguvad logifailidesse informatsiooni õpilaste tööprotsessi kohta. Logifailide analüüs võib aidata aru saada, kuidas õpilased õpivad, ja üks viis, kuidas logifaile analüüsida, on uurida seal olevaid n-graafe. Selle bakalaureusetöö raames loodi tööriist Thonny logifailidest n-graafide leidmiseks ja esialgseks analüüsiks. Tööriist suudab Thonny logifailidest leida kõik n-graafid vastavalt kasutaja määratud filtritele ja salvestada leitud n-graafid kas CSV- või XLSX-faili.Kirje Õppijate lahendusprotsesside analüüsimine Thonny logifailide põhjal(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Vaher, Sten; Meier, Heidi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe process of studying programming is a process at which the teachers are unable to know how the student acquires their knowledge. The only tool for teachers to assess the student this far is to give the students individual tasks to solve. This only assesses the correctness of the solution but will not give an overview of the process which leads to the solution itself. Thonny is a programming environment that stores the solution process in log files and during the MOOC “Introduction to Programming”, the log files of the final test were collected. It is possible to see the process which lead to each student’s solution from these files and this information could be helpful for the teachers for upcoming semesters. During this study log files of the MOOC’s finals are analysed. The main objective of the study is to describe the process of solving programming problems for students that are starting programming and to compare students that are testing their code continuously against students that are not. The most important feature that is being looked at is whether the students starts with testing at the start of their code writing or not. As it turns out, teaching students to constantly test after every move, might not be the only way to learn programming. It turned out that most errors students did were object and syntax errors. This lead to a possible solution of making each student explain their code to another person that knows more about programming.Kirje Plagiarism Detection Tool for Programming Activity Logs(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Kütt, Rene; Lepp, Marina, juhendaja; Meier, Heidi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutPlagiarism is a critical concern in academia, and educators need effective tools to detect and prevent plagiarism. Currently, most plagiarism detection tools use source code comparison, which is not potent against obfuscation methods used by students. This thesis presents a novel solution for detecting potential plagiarism in programming assignments using logs generated by Thonny IDE and an IntelliJ Platform plugin created as part of this thesis called PALG (Programming Activity Log Generator). A plagiarism detector has been incorporated into Thonny Log Analyser, a web application that processes logs created by Thonny IDE. PALA (Programming Activity Log Analyser) is a web application created by modifying Thonny Log Analyser to be compatible with log files produced by the IntelliJ Platform plugin. The plagiarism detection tool in the web application analyses the logs based on user-specified criteria such as run count, total time spent working, log file size, and pasted text to manually inserted text ratio. The plagiarism detection tool also includes comparison functionalities that compare log files to each other or log files in different top folders, depending on the chosen analysis type. The comparison includes checking for duplicate files, identical texts pasted in different log files, source codes pasted in different log files and source code similarity detection. The similarity between log files is calculated using Dice's coefficient. The purpose of the solution is to provide teachers with a quick and efficient overview of potential plagiarism in programming assignments. The solution is designed to work seamlessly with Moodle’s "Download all submissions" action, which produces a ZIP file that can be directly analysed by the web application. The solution's effectiveness is demonstrated through experimental evaluations, and the results indicate its potential to aid teachers in detecting plagiarism in programming assignments efficiently and effectively.Kirje Programmide sarnasuse määratlemine ühe programmeerimisülesande näitel(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Marttila, Heli-Katri; Tõnisson, Eno, juhendaja; Meier, Heidi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutTeaching and studying programming is becoming increasingly popular. Since it can be done in a variety of forms and facilitated by different people, the requirements set on co-working and the use of materials may also vary. This is why students’ and teachers’ perception of allowed similarity and plagiarism may vary when considering complex situations. Although there are automated applications for similarity analysis, the ultimate decision still lies on a human. In this thesis, 24 solutions to one programming task were analysed for their similarity. The solutions were submitted by the participants of a programming course meant for beginners. The analysis was done in three steps – firstly the codes were analysed manually, then Moodle’s automated similarity analysis was used. Both methods resulted in clusters of similar solutions. Based on these results, as a third step, six pairs of solutions were constructed. These pairs were evaluated by the mentors of the programming course. As a result, the main aspects that are checked when assessing similarity, namely the variables, the length of the code, the structure and the content of the solutions were explained. The main techniques that can be used to hide traces of plagiarism were also included. The mentors’ views generally overlapped, but there were also contrary opinions.Kirje Tartu Ülikooli kursuse “Programmeerimise alused II” ülesannete ja murelahendajate loomine(Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Ontin, Aleksander; Meier, Heidi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe University of Tartu's “Introduction to Programming II” course is a programming subject that takes place in the spring semester and provides students with in-depth basic knowledge of programming, testing and debugging. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create new exercises and corresponding troubleshooters for this course. During the course, programming exercises will be used, which will be divided into homework and lab exercises. The troubleshooter is a set of sequential questions with hints and code examples designed to help students solve different problem areas in the exercises. A total of 39 exercises were designed and 26 troubleshooters were created for them. A feedback questionnaire was conducted and used to evaluate the exercises and the troubleshooters. Based on the results of the feedback questionnaire, many of the students on the course had a positive attitude towards the exercises and some of the troubleshooters.Kirje Tartu Ülikooli kursuse “Programmeerimise alused” uus ülesannete kogu(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Pruunsild, Patrik; Meier, Heidi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutTartu Ülikooli kursusel “Programmeerimise alused” kasutatavate ülesannete suurema varieeruvuse saavutamiseks koostati käesoleva bakalaureusetöö raames uus praktikumi- ja koduülesannetest koosnev ülesannete kogu. Ülesannete kogu väljatöötamisel lähtuti eesmärgist luua elulise ja praktilise sisu ning selge tekstiga ülesanded, mis on tudengite hinnangul huvitavad ja mille keerukus suureneb kursuse arenedes. Koostatud ülesandeid piloteeriti osaliselt 2022. aasta kevadsemestril ja tudengitel paluti ülesannete kohta anda tagasisidet. Tagasisidest saadud vastuseid analüüsiti, et mõista ülesannete tajutavat keerukust, huvitavust ja tekstide selgust ning võrrelda varasemaid ja käesoleva töö raames loodud ülesandeid eelmainitud tunnuste lõikes. Tudengid hindasid varasemaid ja käesoleva töö raames loodud ülesandeid huvitavuse ja tekstide selguse poolest võrdselt, kuid hindasid käesoleva töö raames koostatud ülesandeid varasematest ülesannetest keerukamaks.Kirje Thonny logide analüüsi veebirakendus(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Kütt, Rene; Lepp, Marina, juhendaja; Meier, Heidi, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutProgrammeerimiskeele Python jaoks loodud Thonny arenduskeskkond võimaldab salves-tada selles programmeerimiskeskkonnas tehtud tegevusi logifailidesse. Logifailide analüü-simine annab õpetajatele informatsiooni õpilaste ülesande lahendamisel esinenud raskustest, ülesande lahendamiseks kulunud ajast ning aitab veenduda, et õpilane on ise lahenduse kir-jutanud jpm. Enne seda lõputööd oli mitmeid lahendusi Thonny logifailide analüüsimiseks, mis pakkusid erinevaid funktsionaalsuseid, kuid ükski neist ei võimaldanud terviklikku la-hendust õpilaste logifailide kiireks ja efektiivseks analüüsiks. Selle lõputöö eesmärk oli luua veebirakendus, mis võimaldaks logifailide terviklikku analüüsi, kus õpetajad saaksid muga-valt õpilaste logifaile analüüsida.