Browsing by Author "Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja"
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Item Activity-Oriented Causal Process Mining: An End-to-End Approach Utilizing Ylearn(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Baltramaitis, Lukas; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Shoush, Mahmoud, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutIn recent decades, companies have explored data-driven methods and tools to improve their business processes. More recently, prescriptive business process analysis became popular among data analysts and researchers. There are many studies on the use of prescriptive algorithms for the optimization of a variety of different business processes. Prescriptive algorithms given the historical and/or real-time data try to discover and recommend the best actions to improve the future outcome, e.g. what existing actions in the advertisement process need to be changed to increase the sales. One of the prescriptive methods approaches is Causal Process Mining which uses event logs received from the company’s information systems and then analyses them with Causal Inference algorithms to discover and estimate these possible changes (treatments) that would affect the final outcome. However, all event logs can differ by the variables that are logged and the models may become dependent on the data structure. This means that each event log requires separate variables investigation and modeling that would match the event log data structure. Consequently, performing these activities takes time and resources. A more generic and automated approach could be better applicable in different business cases and give useful results without excessive analysis or model building. For this reason, in this study, we investigate the possibility to use only case ID, activity, and timestamp variables of the event log for the causal inference algorithms. We propose the experimentation software artifact that includes data preparation and integrates the existing Ylearn causal inference tool. The approach is evaluated using five real-world event logs. Evaluation results show that causal relationships can be detected between activities of the event log and estimated treatment effects are comparable with other approaches.Item Analysis templates for identifying improvement opportunities using Apromore(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Danylyshyn, Nadiia; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Lashkevich, Katsiaryna, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutOne of the crucial assets that organizations possess is their business processes, which require continuous improvements to stay efficient. For companies to remain efficient, it is necessary to analyze processes, identify and address improvement opportunities. However, currently, there are no comprehensive guidelines for process analysts that will allow them to identify improvement opportunities from the event logs. The aim of this research is to develop analysis templates for identifying process improvement opportunities using Apromore. To fulfill this aim, 22 improvement opportunities that can be found using manual analysis of processes in Apromore were discovered from the analysis of academic papers. In order to understand how these improvement opportunities can be detected, content analysis of 129 BPIC submission reports was performed in addition to eliciting instructions from the other materials. Based on these, 21 templates were developed and evaluated. Therefore, the contribution of this thesis is templates that will help students and junior process analysts to easier identify improvement opportunities in the processes by manual analysis of event logs in Apromore.Item Automated Variant Analysis for Business Process Improvement(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Hashimli, Mir Jalal; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Lashkevich, Katsiaryna, juhendaja; Chapela, David, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutÄriprotsesside elluviimise tulemuseks on erinevad variandid. Kuigi mõned variandid toimivad paremini kui teised, pole enamik neist optimaalsed. Eelnevalt teostatud juhtumite läbimiseks saab kasutada erinevaid tehnikaid. On võimalik tuvastada, mis pani nad konkreetse mõõdiku alusel edukale järeldusele jõudma ning vastavalt sellele on võimalik protsessitöötajale toimingut soovitada. Käesolev uurimistöö esitab juhtumiuuringu, milles on tarkvaralahendusena realiseeritud äriprotsesside variantide analüüsi kontseptuaalne raamistik. Selle tulemuseks on kõige tõhusama protsessivariandi leidmine läbi erinevate mõjude võrdlemise protsessitsükli aja efektiivsusele. Jõutakse järeldusele, et parima variandi kaalumine on äriprotsesside täiustamise võti.Item Back-end of Kairos: A Prescriptive Process Monitoring Tool(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Qu, Zhaosi; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Shoush, Mahmoud, juhendaja; Kubrak, Kateryna, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutPrescriptive process monitoring is an approach that aims to predict potential failures and provide recommendations to optimize business processes. It seeks to improve efficiency and productivity by aiding enterprises in making informed decisions during process execution. For example, it can be applied to optimize a company’s supply chain management by predicting delays and suggesting actions based on historical data. The primary problem that this thesis address is the absence of a comprehensive tool capable of analyzing data from different sources and offering various types of prescriptive recommendations. Consequently, the objective of this study is to propose and implement a software solution that enables the integration of diverse algorithms and plugins in a seamless manner. The proposed approach includes back-end software that provides APIs to implement prescriptive process monitoring features. Users can upload event logs to the tool and receive various prescriptions for ongoing cases, encompassing predictions of the next activities, scoring the likelihood of adverse outcomes, providing treatment effects, and allocating resources based on treatment gains. Moreover, the modular design enhances adaptability and flexibility across various business domains. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution, a combination of requirements fulfillment evaluation and performance evaluation is conducted using datasets from the Business Process Intelligence Challenge (BPIC). As a result, this thesis contributes to the field by providing a prescriptive process monitoring tool that can provide multiple types of prescriptive recommendations.Item Blockchain-Driven Redesign of Business Processes(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Nezhad, Maryam Kiani; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutToday, blockchain technology has become a platform that could be used to change many processes in many businesses and industries. The goal of this study is to analyze how Blockchain technology can be used to improve business processes. This thesis aims to investigate the business processes in different companies or institutions to analyze if they have been redesigned by using blockchain in the past five years (2016 to 2022) and how they were able to change. Companies are exploring the use cases of this technology in the hopes of making a profitable change in the business process. However, this technology cannot simply replace some parts of business processes because it may not have the desired result. An analysis of each process is needed to be able to improve the state of the process. This thesis is based on a systematic literature review (SLR). The main goal of this thesis is to find and measure studies that show how blockchain has been used to improve business processes. Therefore, based on the findings, the measurement of these results was investigated.Item Business process improvement opportunities: a framework to support business process redesign(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Lashkevich, Katsiaryna; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutBusiness processes are a key asset of the organization that largely determines its efficiency. Organizations interested in an efficient performance constantly look for improvement opportunities in their processes. While there might be various improvement opportunities in the business process, it is not always possible to detect them based on the best practices, previous experience, or assumptions. This research aims at collecting and structuring existing knowledge about business process improvement opportunities. The research is per-formed by the means of systematic literature review and focuses to discover how improvement opportunities can be identified in the business process and how the process can be improved. Based on the results, a framework of improvement opportunities is developed to support the practitioners in business process redesign.Item Customer-Centric Business Process Improvement and Redesign(Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Arachchige, Thamasha Rasangi Wijayarathne; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutKonkurentsivõime säilitamiseks püüavad organisatsioonid pidevalt oma äriprotsesse täiustada. Ajalooliselt on protsesside ümberkujundamise algatused keskendunud peamiselt sisemise tõhususe tõstmisele. Tänases muutlikus keskkonnas aga pelgalt tõhususe parandamisest enam äriedu tagamiseks ei piisa. Kuna klientide individuaalsete vajaduste ja soovidega arvestamine suurendab üha enam konkurentsieelist, peavad organisatsioonid võtma suuna kliendikesksema lähenemisviisi poole, pöörates erilist tähelepanu digitaalsete äriprotsesside täiustamisele. Vaatamata ulatuslikele uuringutele äriprotsesside ümberkujundamise mõjust tõhususele ja kliendikogemusele, on endiselt vähe uuringuid, mis neid kriitilisi aspekte tõhusalt lõimiksid. See lõputöö uurib, kuidas ettevõtted saavad digitehnoloogiaid kasutades integreerida kliendikesksuse digitaalsete äriprotsesside ümberkujundamisesse ja täiustamisse. Uuringu eesmärk on süvendada arusaamist kliendikeskse fookusega digitaalsete äriprotsesside juhtimise ja arendamise põhiaspektidest. Andmeid koguti poolstruktureeritud intervjuudega 23 valdkonnaeksperdiga 15 tööstusharust nii B2B kui ka B2C kontekstis Täpsemalt uurime kliendikesksete algatuste elluviimise eeliseid, tuvastame tunnused, mis määratlevad digitaalse äriprotsessi kliendikesksena, ja selgitame välja, kuidas ettevõtted selliste protsesside ümberkujundamisele lähenevad. Lisaks süveneme digitaalsete äriprotsesside kliendikesksuse mõõtmise meetoditesse. Tulemuste põhiteemad hõlmavad digitaalsete äriprotsesside kliendikesksete vaadete, tunnuste ja põhimõtete tuvastamist, tärkavate digitaaltehnoloogiate rolli nende protsesside ümberkujundamise toetamisel ning nende strateegiate tõhususe mõõtmise tähtsust konkreetsete äritegevuse tulemuslikkuse mõõdikute kaudu. Seeläbi annab magistritöö ülevaate digitaaltehnoloogiate kasutusvõimaluste kohta äriprotsesside ümberkujundamisel, et need oleksid paremini vastavuses klientide vajadustega tulemuslikkuses järelandmisi tegemata. Selle lõputöö tulemused on abiks organisatsioonidele, kes soovivad üle minna kliendikesksematele ärimudelitele kasutades digitaalse transformatsiooni võimekust.Item Data Mesh for Financial Service Providers(Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Kuklane, Anette Maria, juhendaja; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutAndmemahud ja uute andmete genereerimise kiirus kasvab igal aastal ennenägematul tasemel. Enamik organisatsioone kasutab analüütiliste andmete jaoks tsentraliseeritud arhitektuure, mis ei pruugi toime tulla kasvava nõudlusega. Selle probleemi lahendamiseks on tekkinud uus arhitektuuriline lähenemine, milleks on andmevõrk (ingl data mesh). Andmevõrk aitab lahendada tsentraliseeritud andmearhitektuuride poolt tekkinud piiranguid detsentraliseerides andmete halduse erinevate domeenide vahel. Kontseptsiooni uudsuse tõttu puuduvad uurimustööd andmevõrgu vajalikkuse ja rakendamise kohta finantsteenuste sektoris. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida, kuidas finantsteenuste pakkujad andmeid haldavad ja kuidas kasutuses olevad praktikad võivad takistada ärivajaduste ja eesmärkide täitmist. Lisaks oli töö eesmärgiks uurida, kuidas andmevõrgu arhitektuuri oleks võimalik finantsteenuste sektoris rakendada, keskendudes seejuures domeenide defineerimisele ja andmevõrgust saadava kasu uurimisele. Selleks viidi läbi poolstruktureeritud intervjuud kümne valdkonnaspetsialistiga, misjärel analüüsiti intervjuusid temaatilise analüüsi meetodil. Tulemused näitasid, et andmehalduspraktikate mõju ärieesmärkidele sõltub sellest, kui kaua on need kasutusel olnud ning samuti tootevaliku mitmekesisusest. Seejuures traditsioonilised pangad seisavad silmitsi rohkemate takistustega võrreldes väljakutsuvate pankade (ingl challenger bank) ja FinTech ettevõtetega. Sarnaselt eelnevale selgus, et andmevõrgu arhitektuuri kasutuselevõtt on suurema väärtusega traditsioonilistele pankadele. Teistel finantsorganisatsioonidel ei pruugi kasu andmevõrgu arhitektuurist olla kohene, kuid selle varajane rakendamine võib osutuda kasulikuks organisatsiooni kasvamisel. Lisaks näitasid tulemused, et finantsorganisatsioonidel võib kasu olla ka vaid mõne andmevõrgu põhimõtte, nagu detsentraliseeritud andmehalduse ja -valitsemise, rakendamisest. Kuigi töös ei selgunud üht kindlat andmedomeenide määratlemise viisi, viitasid tulemused toote- või protsessipõhistele domeenidele, mis peaksid olema kooskõlas ärivaldkondadega. Siiski selgus tulemustest, et teatud andmeid tuleks hoida tsentraliseeritud kujul.Item Digital innovation for business process redesign(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Nava, Juuli; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Kubrak, Kateryna, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe focus of this thesis is the adoption of emerging digital technologies in the context of business process management. To better understand the ways in which technology can impact business process redesign, this thesis explores the capabilities of these technolo-gies. This research presents a systematic literature review (SLR) with 26 academic articles (from 2017 to 2021) that describe case studies in which business process redesign is done with the introduction of new technologies. As a result of the SLR, six capabilities of digi-tal technologies were derived and positioned beside 14 identified redesign heuristics. The main contribution of this research is a framework that can support practitioners and re-searchers in establishing how business processes can be redesigned through the capabili-ties of digital technologies.Item Discovery of Improvement Opportunities in Knock-out Checks of Business Processes(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Ponce, Lino Moises Mediavilla; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Camargo, Manuel, juhendaja; Lashkevich, Katsiaryna, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutSellised äriprotsessid nagu laenutaotlused või ülikoolide vastuvõtmine sisaldavad tavaliselt tegevusi, mida tuntakse kui "knock-out kontrolle", mis liigitavad juhtumid kahte gruppi: vastuvõetud ja tagasi lükatud. Kui knock-out-kontroll lükkab juhtumi tagasi, loetakse kogu varem sellega tehtud töö raisku. Seda raiskamist saab vähendada, kui muuta kontrollide läbiviimise viisi. Varasemad uuringud on pakkunud heuristikat ja vahendeid selliste parandamisvõimaluste tuvastamiseks protsessimudelite abil projekteerimise ajal, samas kui teised on pakkunud prognoosivaid, musta kasti mudeleid väljalangevuskontrollide ümberjärjestamiseks tööajal. Kuid nad ei ole pakkunud meetodit, kuidas saada välja lülitatud kontrollide kohta teavet ja parendusvõimalusi otse olemasolevate protsesside andmetest. Siinkohal näitame andmepõhist, otsustusreeglitel põhinevat lähenemisviisi äriprotsesside knock-out kontrollidega seotud parendusvõimaluste leidmiseks. Katsed sünteetiliste ja reaalsete sündmuste logide põhjal näitavad, et lähenemisviis tuvastab edukalt parendusvõimalusi, saavutades samas tulemuslikkuse, mis on võrreldav musta kasti lähenemisviisidega. Lisaks sellele annab meie lähenemisviis tõlgendatavaid masinõppe meetodeid kasutades täiendavat teavet äriprotsesside väljalangemise kontrollide kohta, mida musta kasti lähenemisviisid ei võimalda.Item Improving operational processes - A process mining case study in e-commerce(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Häling, Maria; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutIncreasing demand in e-commerce has developed a highly competitive environment for companies, where process efficiency and customer satisfaction are keys to success. To identify opportunities for increased performance, process mining can be used as a data-driven analysis method. Process mining is a tool of business process management that is specifically used to find improvement opportunities in processes based on ta logs. Current research in e-commerce has studied mining in customer weblogs context, but using process mining on business operational processes has yet to be done. Hence, this study explores this aspect from process performance and customer satisfaction angles, providing additional knowledge to existing research. The results showed that process mining could effectively identify performance and customer experience related problems in operational e-commerce processes. Furthermore, combining domain experts’ knowledge, redesign heuristics, and analysis results enabled to propose relevant and insightful change opportunities.Item Measuring of digital products - A grey literature review(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Albert, Anna; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutItem Opportunity-driven business process redesign - A systematic literature review(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Meshkova, Alexandra; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutIn today’s business environment organizations appeared to be in a constant search for process improvement opportunities, hence it brought the necessity to explore redesign alternatives. This paper presents the research on business process improvements through opportunity-driven methods – benchmarking and positive deviance. These approaches imply the principle that any enhancement is implemented by looking at superior performance to embrace company’s potential. The chosen research method – systematic literature review – synthesized existing evidence to provide an empirically derived response and filled the gap in theoretical inconsistency. As a result, paper delivers a coherent conceptual framework that has practical contribution by being a guideline for opportunity-driven methods application and brings theoretical value by gathering past experiences.Item Process mining on Estonian healthcare data(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Salamov, Musa; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Reisberg, Sulev, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutNowadays, healthcare information is recorded and stored electronically in most countries. Data-driven methods, such as process mining, can be used for analyzing healthcare processes by utilizing electronic health records. However, despite its potential, process mining has not been applied to healthcare settings in Estonia. Therefore, this thesis aims to assess the feasibility of process mining for Estonian healthcare data. Additionally, it researches what are the limitations and suggests improvement ideas. To achieve this objective, cervical cancer screening-related health records were analyzed using Apromore. The main results of this thesis are the list of applicable process mining use cases within the context, their limitations and a set of improvement suggestions. Thus, the contribution of this thesis is beneficial for experts and researchers who are involved in the application of process mining in the healthcare domain.Item Quantum Computing in the Financial Sector(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Napa, Marta; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutIn recent years, quantum computing has become an emerging technology and is being explored in regard to how it can disrupt industries. One industry that quantum computing could have an impact on is the financial industry. However, the currently available literature lacks a clear overview of the use cases for finance. Therefore the thesis explores the potential use cases of quantum computing in the financial industry, how such use cases could impact financial products and services, their potential value, and the challenges in implementing them. The qualitative survey method will be followed to find the answers to the stated research questions. Semi-structured, recorded, and transcribed interviews will be conducted with industry specialists. The method consists of a literature review, interview preparation, data collection, and data analysis (thematic analysis). As a result, the thesis provides a framework summarizing the potential use cases, their impact on financial services, and their value for the industry. The thesis aims to contribute to raising awareness of the potential of quantum computing and make it understandable for industry specialists how the technology could impact their companies. The contribution can be beneficial for professionals working in research and development departments of financial institutions or exploring new technologies to solve business problems.Item The role of an Agile Coach(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Daljajev, Kadri; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Scott, Mario Ezequiel, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe popularity of using Agile processes is increasing. Agile methodologies are based on Agile manifesto which provides guidelines, that every Agile Framework should follow. There are different frameworks, that have their own sets of rules, but follow the principles introduced in Agile Manifesto. Often companies don’t implement one specific framework but combine many in order to make it work for their specific case and environment. In order to make the transformation to Agile, an Agile Coach could be hired to help to implement the changes. There are many benefits of using Agile Coaching e.g. improvements in teamwork [1], quality of the work, lower costs [2], etc.. The goal of Agile Coaching is to show teams different options how to implement and improve their Agile processes and help them to see, what to do next and also guide them how to take responsibility [3] via [4]. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the role of an Agile Coach, what are the competencies needed in that profession, how does he or she create value, what are the challenges he or she faces while coaching and how are these tackled? The goal of this thesis is to produce a practical overview of the role of an Agile Coach, from different perspectives and gather the findings from coaches working in different environment combined with the knowledge from literature. The outcome of the thesis could be beneficial for people who are interested in that role and want to understand what is needed in order to succeed in this role. For that purpose, a Case study method was used. The main findings are that, the role includes many roles inside of one role and it is hard for one person to master them all. Every coach is a little bit different from others. In order to succeed in this role, one has to know a little about everything, but master some parts of the role. It is important to be self-aware and know what you know and what you don’t know. Since it is a helping role, it is hard to measure the value, since it is a mutual responsibility shared with the coachee, but it is valued more by people who have had personal experiences with coaching.Item Waste Identification from Event Logs(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Sharma, Shefali Ajit; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutOrganizations execute a variety of business processes to meet their business objectives. Therefore, they seek to constantly improve such processes. One way to improve the efficiency of processes is to identify and eliminate wastes in a process. Analysts use different process mining software to discover and analyze business processes. Event logs, i.e., data captured from the execution of business processes, are used to discover and analyze processes to identify wastes. To identify wastes from event logs, analysts need to know exactly what to look for. However, wastes are manifested in business processes in different ways. Therefore, manifestations of wastes that the analyst is unfamiliar with, remain hidden. This thesis aims at identifying the manifestations of wastes in business processes and how to detect them from event logs. To this end, 187 relevant papers were identified and subjected to content analysis. From these, manifestations of 8 wastes in business processes were elicited. Following this, a framework for how to detect such wastes from business process event logs was derived. Thus, the contribution of the thesis is a framework for identifying wastes from event logs.Item Web 3.0 in the Financial Industry(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Shirinov, Adil; Milani, Fredrik, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutIga päev ilmuvad uued tehnoloogiad, mille üle paljud eksperdid mõtisklevad, analüüsides nende tõhusust ja potentsiaalseid rakendusvõimalusi. Finantssektor ei ole erand ning sektori asjatundjad püüdlevad pidevalt, et leida võimalusi, kuidas neid värskelt tekkinuid tehnoloogiaid optimaalselt ära kasutada. Üks sellistest uutest tehnoloogilistest on Veeb 3.0. See tehnoloogia on põhjustanud arvukaid arutelusid ja esitatud on rohkesti argumente, kuid meil puudub siiski piisavalt dokumenteeritud materjal, mis käsitleks, kuidas seda tehnoloogiat võiks tõhusalt rakendada finantssektori heaks ning milliseid potentsiaalseid probleeme ja väljakutsed see võib kaasa tuua. Selle informatsioonilünga täitmise eesmärgil ja nimetatud tehnoloogia ning selle potentsiaalsete rakendusvõimaluste uurimiseks teostati kvalitatiivne uuring. Uuring hõlmab intervjuusid isikutega, kes omavad nii Veeb 3.0 alaseid teamisi kui ka finantsalaseid teadmisi. Sellise lähenemise abil püüti analüüsida, millist lisaväärtust võib Veeb 3.0 finantssektorile pakkuda, andes seeläbi akadeemilise panuse selle tehnoloogia optimaalseks rakendamiseks finantssüsteemis. Käesolevas uurimistöös on täpselt kirjeldatud antud töö raames läbiviidud kvalitatiivse uuringu protsess ning on esitatud valdkonna ekspertidega läbi viidud intervjuude tulemused, milles tuuakse esile Veeb 3.0 potentsiaalsed rakendusalad ning spetsiifilised rakendusvõimalused. Käesolev töö käsitleb ka seda, kuidas Veeb 3.0 kavatsetakse tulevikus kasutada ning millist väärtust see võib tuua. Lisaks on käsitletud erinevaid potensiaalseid väljakutsetseid, mis võivad tekkida selle tehnoloogia rakendamisel. Intervjuude tulemuste põhjal käsitletakse käesolevas töös ka täiendavaid võimalusi ja strateegiaid, kuidas rakendada Veeb 3.0 tehnoloogiat finantssektorile lisaväärtuse loomiseks. Antud uurimustöö pakub teistele teadlastele ja asjatundajatele informatsiooni ning seda võib kasutada juhendmaterjalina, selgitades, kuidas finantssektori organisatsioonid võivad Veeb 3.0 tehnoloogiat ära kasutada ning milline on selle tehnoloogia praegune arengutasand ja rakendusala.