VREX tööriistakasti laiendamine valemälestuste uurimiseks
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Võltsmälestus on psühholoogiline nähtus, kus isik meenutab mälestust, mida tegelikkuses pole toimunud. Võltsmälestuste uurimiseks on läbi viidud mitmeid uuringuid, kuid seni on olnud ainult üks märkimisväärne võltsmälestuste uuring, kus kasutati virtuaalreaalsust. Tänu virtuaalreaalsuse kiirele arengule on hetkel efektiivsem kui kunagi varem läbi viia psühholoogia eksperimente virtuaalreaalsuses, mitte enam tavapärastes katsekeskkondades. Selle lõputöö eesmärk on luua VREX tööriistakasti eksperimentaalne moodul võltsmälestuste uurimiseks ja laiendada tööriistakasti olemasolevaid võimalusi. Eksperimentaalne moodul lisab tööriistakastile võimaluse paigutada katseisik eri ruumidesse, kus tehakse mingeid muudatusi. On ka täiendatud objektide muutmise võimalusi. Täiendused on loodud viisil, mis võimaldab neid lihtsasti kasutada tuleviku eksperimentides. Peale selle on väljundfaili muudetud nii, et see võimaldaks salvestada muutuste põhjal saadud andmeid. Käesolev töö avab võimaluse põhjalikult uurida võltsmälestusi virtuaalreaalsuses.
False memory is a psychological phenomenon in which a memory is recalled which did not actually occur. There have been several studies on false memories. However there has been only one notable study using virtual reality. With the advancements in virtual reality it is more advantageous than ever to perform psychological experiments in virtual reality rather than using conventional methods. The aim of this thesis is to create an experimental module in the VREX toolbox for studying false memories and add on already existing capabilities of the toolbox. The experimental module adds to the toolbox the possibility to place the subject in different rooms where some change has been made. Also, additional object manipulations were added to the VREX toolbox. The additions are created in a manner that allows them to be easily used in future experiments. On top of that, the output was modified so that it fits the capabilities added in this thesis. The present work opens up the possibility to rigorously study false memories in virtual reality.
False memory is a psychological phenomenon in which a memory is recalled which did not actually occur. There have been several studies on false memories. However there has been only one notable study using virtual reality. With the advancements in virtual reality it is more advantageous than ever to perform psychological experiments in virtual reality rather than using conventional methods. The aim of this thesis is to create an experimental module in the VREX toolbox for studying false memories and add on already existing capabilities of the toolbox. The experimental module adds to the toolbox the possibility to place the subject in different rooms where some change has been made. Also, additional object manipulations were added to the VREX toolbox. The additions are created in a manner that allows them to be easily used in future experiments. On top of that, the output was modified so that it fits the capabilities added in this thesis. The present work opens up the possibility to rigorously study false memories in virtual reality.