E-kursuse "Programmeerimise alused" osalejate hinnangud ülesannetele
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Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös analüüsiti e-kursuse „Programmeerimise alused“ osalejate hinnanguid ülesannetele. Töö tulemusena leiti vastused järgnevatele uurimisküsimustele: millised ülesanded on osalejate hinnangul kerged ja millised keerukad, millised ülesanded on osalejate hinnangul huvitavad, milliseid valikülesandeid lahendati kõige rohkem ning milliseid soovitusi annavad kursusel osalejad korraldajatele.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse e-course “Introduction to Programming” participants’ assessments for exercises. As a result of this thesis, these four research questions were answered: which exercises find the participants easy and which difficult, which exercises are interesting for the participants, which optional exercises the participants solved the most and what recommendations the participants give to the organizers.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse e-course “Introduction to Programming” participants’ assessments for exercises. As a result of this thesis, these four research questions were answered: which exercises find the participants easy and which difficult, which exercises are interesting for the participants, which optional exercises the participants solved the most and what recommendations the participants give to the organizers.