Visuaalne valge müra keskkond virtuaalreaalsuses
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See lõputöö keskendub hallutsinatsioonide tekke uurimisele. Põhiliseks ülesandeks oli luua virtuaalreaalsuses keskkond, mis võimaldaks testida inimesi olukordades, kus visuaalne info on väga ebamäärane. Selle keskkonna loomisel kasutati virtuaalreaalsuses valget müra, mis katab kõiki objekte. Katsealuse ülesandeks on teda ümbritsevate erinevate objektide seast välja filtreerida erinevat tüüpi toolid. Üheks võtmeülesandeks selle töö juures oli teha objektid täpselt parasjagu rakselt nähtavaks, et katsealustes tekiksid kahtlused. Mürarikas keskkond suurendab tajuhäirete tekkimise tõenäosust. Esmaste testide tulemused näitasid, et inimesed kohanevad antud keskkonnaga väga erinevalt. Osadel võtab kohanemine rohkem aega, teistel vähem. Inimesed kirjeldasid erinevaid väiksemõõdulisi tajupetteid. Tihti ei osatud täpselt seletada, mida nähti. Kõik esinenud tajupetted olid lühiajalised.
This thesis focuses on learning why and in what situations hallucinations occur. The main aim was to create a virtual reality environment, where people could be put thru different kinds of scenarios that would not be possible in real life. I chose to create an environment that is fully made out of white noise materials because a noisy environment increases the possibility of brain playing tricks on us. In the main scenario test subjects are surrounded with different kinds of objects and are asked to filter out only those that resemble some type of chair. One of the main objectives when developing this environment was to find that thin line between seeing an object and not seeing it, so that test subjects would have dilemmas. Results showed that people experienced different kinds of small phenomena, that they usually found hard to explain. Most of the time the experiences that occurred were very temporal.
This thesis focuses on learning why and in what situations hallucinations occur. The main aim was to create a virtual reality environment, where people could be put thru different kinds of scenarios that would not be possible in real life. I chose to create an environment that is fully made out of white noise materials because a noisy environment increases the possibility of brain playing tricks on us. In the main scenario test subjects are surrounded with different kinds of objects and are asked to filter out only those that resemble some type of chair. One of the main objectives when developing this environment was to find that thin line between seeing an object and not seeing it, so that test subjects would have dilemmas. Results showed that people experienced different kinds of small phenomena, that they usually found hard to explain. Most of the time the experiences that occurred were very temporal.