Youtube video-based additional teaching materials to the textbook series 'I love English': grades 7, 8 and 9
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The MA thesis titled “YouTube video-based additional teaching materials to the textbook
series I Love English: Grades 7, 8 and 9” presents teaching material based on YouTube
videos. The author chose four topics from the I Love English textbooks published in 2005 and
2008: “Scotland”, “On the Farm”, “Reading Books” and “Travelling Tips” and complemented
the textbooks with video material.
The first chapter gives an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using videos in
teaching languages generally and then more specifically, using YouTube videos in teaching.
According to researchers, using videos appropriately in teaching may assist the development
of several language skills simultaneously and can be highly beneficial to learners. In contrast,
using videos in teaching can be time consuming and depends on the equipment available.
The second chapter explains why in the author’s opinion was it necessary to complement the
textbook series and how video material could be additionally used. To better match some of
the criteria of the National Curriculum of Basic Schools in Estonia (2011) and the
communicative approach suitable for today’s learners, the author compiled additional video
material complementing the textbooks that were published before 2011. In addition to four
language skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking), the video material compiled focused
on developing digital competence and communicative skills. The author took into
consideration the literature review, students’ feedback on the conducted lessons and analysed
the video material compiled, examining the strengths and drawbacks of the video material.
inglise keel, võõrkeeleõpetus, videosalvestised, videoklipid, õppematerjalid