Aspects of Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language in the Case of Blind and Visually Impaired Learners in Estonia
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Tartu Ülikool
It is assumed that blind and visually impaired foreign language learners experience
more difficulties in their foreign language learning than sighted learners as they need adaptive
and technical accommodations in their learning process. In addition, their opportunities for
implicit foreign language learning are more limited. There are several obstacles connected
with the absence of visual information and a necessity for adapted study and testing materials.
The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to describe and analyse the factors influencing the
process of teaching/learning English as a foreign language in the case of students with
blindness or low-vision and to highlight the supportive measures used in practice. The main
attention is paid to the accessibility issues, such as adapted study materials for the
blind/visually impaired learners; accommodations and promising activities and ways of
organizing teaching/learning process.
For getting answers to the research questions on those issues, two surveys were carried
out: one among learners with blindness/low-vision and the other among foreign language
teachers of visually impaired students in Estonia. There were 32 respondents among visually
impaired learners and 12 among foreign language teachers. Two different questionnaires were
developed and administered among the sample groups.
In the sections of analysis, the main aspects of teaching/learning English and foreign
languages in learners with blindness/low-vision are highlighted from the point of view of
foreign language teachers of visually impaired students and blind/visually impaired foreign
language learners. In addition, the topic of accommodations of foreign language examinations
is discussed according to the responses of a focus group interview with two specialists in the
field. Some suggestions are provided after the section of discussion.
This information may be beneficial to EFL teachers of visually impaired students both
in special and mainstream schools. Due to the strengthening of the inclusive approach in
Estonian education policy, mainstream school EFL teachers may need additional knowledge
of special educational needs of this field, even though the occurrence of blindness/visual
impairment is relatively small.
Juhendaja: Ülle Türk & Anne Kõiv
üliõpilastööd, magistritööd, hariduslikud erivajadused, nägemispuue, pimedad ja vaegnägevad õpilased, kohandused, kohandatud õppematerjalid, punktkiri, võõrkeele õppimine