JavaScript 2D graafika teekide võrdlus
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Javascript 2D graafika teeke on palju ja seetõttu on raske valida konkreetse rakenduse
jaoks sobivat teeki. Piirdudes vaid populaarsemate teekidega on neist igal ühel siiski
omad eelised ja puudused. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida kuut
populaarset JavaScript 2D graafika teeki ja standardeid SVG ning Canvas 2D Context.
Töös antakse lühikokkuvõte vaadeldud teekidest ja antakse teekide erinevatele külgedele
hinnangud. Lõputöö käigus loodi ka testrakendus, mida kasutatakse võrdluses. Analüüsi
tulemused aitavad uute veebirakenduste projekteerimisel valida sobivat JavaScripti 2D
graafika teeki.
There are a lot of JavaScript 2D graphics libraries, which makes it difficult to choose the right one for a specific application. Every library has its advantages and disadvantages, even if confined to popular libraries. The aim of this thesis is to analyse six popular JavaScript 2D graphics libraries, the SVG standard and the Canvas 2D Context standard. A short summary is created and the different aspects of the libraries are graded. In addition, a test application was created, that was used in the analysis. The results of this analysis assist in choosing a library for a specific application.
There are a lot of JavaScript 2D graphics libraries, which makes it difficult to choose the right one for a specific application. Every library has its advantages and disadvantages, even if confined to popular libraries. The aim of this thesis is to analyse six popular JavaScript 2D graphics libraries, the SVG standard and the Canvas 2D Context standard. A short summary is created and the different aspects of the libraries are graded. In addition, a test application was created, that was used in the analysis. The results of this analysis assist in choosing a library for a specific application.