Matemaatikaolümpiaadide portaali andmebaasi ja kasutajaliidese arendamine
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Eesmärk oli valmistada kaasaegne matemaatikaolümpiaadide portaal, kus administraatorid saavad võrreldes portaali eelkäiaga mugavamalt tulemusi sisestada, muuta ja vajadusel ka kustutada. Eesmärkidest sai täidetud kõik andmete lisamise, muutmise ja kustutamisega seonduv, kusjuures antud protseduurid muutusid administraatoritele lihtsalt ning kiirelt teostatavaks.
Valmis ka tulemuste otsingusüsteem, mis lubab võistluse, aasta, klassi ja kooli järgi tulemusi otsida ning sorteerida. Kuigi esialgu ei olnud plaanis ülesannetega seoses käesoleva bakalaureuse töö raames midagi ette võtta, sooviti töö käigus ka võimalust, et punkte vaadates saab näha, mis ülesande eest need pandud on. Lõppkokkuvõttes suudeti ka see funktsionaalsus realiseerida.
Valminud portaali puudusteks on kliendi ja serveri suhtluse puudulik optimeerimine ning vähene testimine, mistõttu võib ette tulla üksikuid vigu, millest ei olda veel teadlikud.
Kokkuvõttes sai loodud matemaatikaolümpiaadide portaal, mis täidab soovitud funktsionaalsuse ning samas lubab tulevikus mugavalt portaali edasi arendada. Loodud on tugev põhi, kuhu saab tulevikus ehitada mahukama ja põhjalikuma olümpiaadide tulemuste keskuse.
The purpose of this paper is to build a modern mathematical olympiads portal, where portal administrators can easily insert, change or delete olympiads results. The current system was intended to be more easier to use and understand than it’s predecessor. That was successfully accomplished. A search engine for olympiads results was also made. It allows to search and sort olympiads results by competition, year, class and school. Although at first functionality regarding olympiads tasks was not intended to accomplish, it was requested to add to the portal, so that users can see, for what tasks points were given. That was also accomplished. The portal has some minor issues regarding the data transfer between client and server: it’s not very well optimized. Also the system need more testing to find more minor bugs, which should be fixed. Overall, a mathematical olympiads portal was developed, which fulfills the requirements made by administrators. The portal is also ready to be developed further. The system is made so, that all future developers can easily learn the current system. The basic olympiads system has been made, now it’s waiting to be developed further.
The purpose of this paper is to build a modern mathematical olympiads portal, where portal administrators can easily insert, change or delete olympiads results. The current system was intended to be more easier to use and understand than it’s predecessor. That was successfully accomplished. A search engine for olympiads results was also made. It allows to search and sort olympiads results by competition, year, class and school. Although at first functionality regarding olympiads tasks was not intended to accomplish, it was requested to add to the portal, so that users can see, for what tasks points were given. That was also accomplished. The portal has some minor issues regarding the data transfer between client and server: it’s not very well optimized. Also the system need more testing to find more minor bugs, which should be fixed. Overall, a mathematical olympiads portal was developed, which fulfills the requirements made by administrators. The portal is also ready to be developed further. The system is made so, that all future developers can easily learn the current system. The basic olympiads system has been made, now it’s waiting to be developed further.