E-kursuse "Programmeerimise alused II" kahemõõtmelise järjendi esialgsete materjalide koostamine ning analüüs
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö tulemusena valmisid kahemõõtmelise järjendi teemade esialgsed materjalid e-kursusele „Programmeerimise alused II“. Bakalaureusetöö käigus analüüsiti ka „Infotehnoloogia mitteinformaatikutele“ magistriõppekava üliõpilaste tagasisidet neile materjalidele. Antud bakalaureusetöö keskendub kahemõõtmelise järjendi peatükkide tagasisidele, et teha ettepanekuid materjalide täiustamiseks.
The purpose of this thesis is to create initial materials about two-dimensional array for e-course „Introduction to Programming II“. During this thesis the feedback of the master’s students from „Conversion Master in IT“ curriculum was analysed. This thesis is focused on the feedback of the two-dimensional array to improve the materials for MOOC.
The purpose of this thesis is to create initial materials about two-dimensional array for e-course „Introduction to Programming II“. During this thesis the feedback of the master’s students from „Conversion Master in IT“ curriculum was analysed. This thesis is focused on the feedback of the two-dimensional array to improve the materials for MOOC.