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Kasutatud auto ostmine võib olla pikk ja riskantne protsess. Käesolevas töös maandatakse kasutatud auto ostmisega kaasnevaid riske parandades ostja informeeritust koondades auto andmed ühte kohta. Valminud veebiportaal annab kasutajale kuulutuse andmete põhjal ülevaate auto ajaloost ja tehnilistest andmetest. Valminud portaal kasutab erinevaid veebi-põhiseid liidestamise võtteid erinevatest veebiallikatest vajaliku info kogumiseks.
Buying a used car can be a long and risky process. In this paper the risks of buying a used car are lowered by bringing data of the car together in a used car portal, which will im-prove buyer’s awareness. The web portal gives a review of the history and technical data of the car. Several different integration techniques were used in the development of the web portal.
Buying a used car can be a long and risky process. In this paper the risks of buying a used car are lowered by bringing data of the car together in a used car portal, which will im-prove buyer’s awareness. The web portal gives a review of the history and technical data of the car. Several different integration techniques were used in the development of the web portal.