Veebirakenduse monitoorimislahenduse realiseerimine Eesti Töötukassa infosüsteemi näitel
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Käesoleva töö peamiseks eesmärgiks oli leida ja juurutada terviklik monitoorimislahendus Eesti Töötukassa infosüsteemile (EMPIS) ning hinnata kogu protsessi lõplikku kasutegurit.
Töö tulemusena on nüüd EMPISel reaalselt kasutusel olev, korralikult konfigureeritud ja projektile olulist lisaväärtust tootev NR teenus ning dokument, mis tervet juurutamise protsessi kirjeldab. Sellest dokumendist on loodetavasti kasu nii projektijuhtidele, kes klientidele monitooringu olulisust põhjendavad, kui ka üliõpilastele ning Nortali arendajatele, kellel on tarvis sarnane lahendus realiseerida, et oma veebirakenduste kohta objektiivset jõudlusinformatsiooni saada.
The main purpose of the present Thesis was to explain the necessity of a good monitoring solution, find, deploy and configure a suitable monitoring solution for the Estonian Employment Information System and document the process. The final result of the thesis is a fully functional monitoring system and a document that explains the full process of implementation which can be used as a guideline by students or people in the IT sector who are considering whether or how to protect their software from loss of efficiency with monitoring.
The main purpose of the present Thesis was to explain the necessity of a good monitoring solution, find, deploy and configure a suitable monitoring solution for the Estonian Employment Information System and document the process. The final result of the thesis is a fully functional monitoring system and a document that explains the full process of implementation which can be used as a guideline by students or people in the IT sector who are considering whether or how to protect their software from loss of efficiency with monitoring.