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Parkimiskohad on kaasaegse infrastruktuuri oluline osa. Autode kui laialdaselt kättesaadavate transpordivahendite rohkuse tõttu kasvab vajadus kohtade järele, kus sõidukeid saaks vajaduse korral hoida. Seepärast, vastavalt nõudlusele, tekkis parklate idee – need on ametlikud kohad, mis võimaldavad oma vallasvara hoida teatud aja jooksul ilma hirmuta, et see kaob või seda liigutatakse kuhugi mujale. Et kasutusel oleva vallasvara arv suureneb kiire tehnoloogilise arengu tõttu, eriti tootmissektoris, muutuvad paberipõhised meetodid ebaefektiivseks ja aegunuks. Antud probleem muutub veelgi selgemaks veoautode puhul, kus haagised on sorteeritud. Veelgi olulisem on selliste parklate katkematu töö tingimustel, kui parklast lahkumise protsess nõuab piiratud ajaga teenindamist. Lisaks, niisugused meetodid suurendavad eksimuse riski inimfaktori tõttu. Käesoleva bakalaureuse töö eesmärk on luua veebipõhine alternatiiv olemasolevatele paberipõhistele parkimisprotsessidele. Töö keskendub mainitud protsesside digitaliseerimisele, automatiseerimisele ja vigade ennetamisele. Lisaks vajavad kaasaegsed äriprotsessid garanteeritud teenindusaega (SLA). Töö annab ka ülevaate sellest, kuidas äriparklad praegu töötavad.
Parking lots are an essential part of modern infrastructure. Due to the rapid development of cars as widely accessible transportation methods, the need for places, where vehicles could be stored when not needed, kept growing. Therefore, answering to this demand, the idea of parking lots came to be – a place that allows you to store your movable property for a certain amount of time without the fear that it will be moved elsewhere. However, due to the constantly growing amount of vehicles in use, especially in the production sector, because of the rapid technological advancement, the paper-based methods of han-dling parking lot workflow is becoming inefficient and obsolete. This problem become even clearer in case of trucks, where trailers are sorted. What is even more important is the uninterrupted work of such parking lots under conditions, when the process of leaving the parking lot requires utilizing limited in time services. In this particular case, national border crossing service. The aim of this thesis is to create a web-based alternative to the existing paper-based parking lot business processes. The thesis focuses on the digitalization, automatization and error-prevention of the said processes. In addition, modern busi-ness-processes demand the guaranteed servicing time (SLA). This thesis also provides a brief overview of how a parking lot operates currently.
Parking lots are an essential part of modern infrastructure. Due to the rapid development of cars as widely accessible transportation methods, the need for places, where vehicles could be stored when not needed, kept growing. Therefore, answering to this demand, the idea of parking lots came to be – a place that allows you to store your movable property for a certain amount of time without the fear that it will be moved elsewhere. However, due to the constantly growing amount of vehicles in use, especially in the production sector, because of the rapid technological advancement, the paper-based methods of han-dling parking lot workflow is becoming inefficient and obsolete. This problem become even clearer in case of trucks, where trailers are sorted. What is even more important is the uninterrupted work of such parking lots under conditions, when the process of leaving the parking lot requires utilizing limited in time services. In this particular case, national border crossing service. The aim of this thesis is to create a web-based alternative to the existing paper-based parking lot business processes. The thesis focuses on the digitalization, automatization and error-prevention of the said processes. In addition, modern busi-ness-processes demand the guaranteed servicing time (SLA). This thesis also provides a brief overview of how a parking lot operates currently.