The Impact of a Temperature-Sensitive Sensor on a Commercial Li-ion Battery Cell Graphite Electrode
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Tartu Ülikool
This thesis aims to provide insight into structural changes and lithiation of the graphite
electrode of a commercial multi-layered prismatic pouch cell. The commercial pouch cell was
equipped with a reference electrode and temperature-sensitive optical fiber and (dis)charged at
various current rates. The data analysed in this thesis was collected during the operando wideangle X-ray scattering experiment conducted as a part of the INSTABAT and BIGMAP
projects. It was observed that the presence of the fiber causes heterogeneities in the state of
charge around the optical fiber. The results demonstrate that the information on the state of
charge obtained near the optical fiber exclusively describes the region around the optical fiber.
operando WAXS, graphite electrode, sensor, graphite lithiation, lithium-ion battery