The use of adjective-noun, verb-noun and phrasal-verb-noun collocations in Estonian learner corpus of English
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Tartu Ülikool
Vocabulary is one of the most crucial aspects of language learning but a large
vocabulary does not always guarantee effective communication. The knowledge of
collocations is also important as it improves the fluency and quality of spoken or written
language. Unfortunately, learning collocations can be a difficult task because there are no
exact rules why some words fit together and others do not. Studies have shown that
congruency (i.e. the presence or absence of L1 translation equivalent) and collocate-node
relationship (i.e. the type of a collocation) can influence the use of collocations in learner
The characteristics of learner language can nowadays be studied by analysing written or
spoken learner corpus stored in a computer database. Hundreds of learner corpora have been
compiled around the world but in Estonia only few corpora have been built, none of them
comprising of texts produced by Estonian learners of English. In 2014, a learner corpus of 127
essays was developed at the English Department of the University of Tartu, which finally
made it possible to investigate the use of different collocations in Estonian EFL learners’
The thesis has two main chapters. The first chapter describes the definitions of the term
collocation¸ explains the role of learner corpus in language teaching and gives an overview of
previous research conducted. The second chapter describes the empirical study carried out in
this thesis, explains the methodology, target collocations and the procedure of collecting the
data. The study in this paper adopts a combination of quantitative and qualitative corpus
analysis approaches. The AntConc Word List and Concordance tools (Anthony 2014) were
used in order to extract all adjective-noun, verb-noun and phrasal-verb-noun collocations that
were related to the most frequently used nouns in the corpus. The subchapter addressing the
results presents the most frequently used adjective-noun, verb-noun and phrasal-verb-noun
collocations found in the study, the distribution of collocations based on collocate-node
relationship and congruency, and finally it analyses the naturalness of the collocations found
in the English language. The last section in the second chapter presents an interpretation of
the findings.
inglise keel, kollokatsioonid, korpuslingvistika, õppimine