Teadusarvutusteks mõeldud väikese jõudlusega pilvede loomine OpenStacki näitel
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Tartu Ülikool
Antud töö uurib, kuidas OpenStacki pilveplatvormi kasutada väikese jõudlusega pilvedes teadusarvutuse ja õppetöö eesmärgil. OpenStacki on küllaltki keeruline seadistada ning enamus dokumentatsioonist on paraku suunatud suurte sadade serveritega pilvede loomisele. OpenStacki paljude komponentide erinevaid võimalusi on küllaltki raske hoomata. Antud tö ö püüab need valikud Tartu Ülikooli Mobiilipilve aborile kuuluva kahe serveriga pilve näitel lahti rääkida.
This work explores how OpenStack cloud platform could be used on limited hardware resources for scientific computing and teaching purposes. OpenStack has deep learning curve and most of the documentation is targeted for creating large scale clouds with hundreds of servers. OpenStack has a lot of components and configuration options which are quite hard to navigate at first. Thus this work tries to provide the rationale for making those technology choices and bases this on sample two server setup belonging to Tartu University Mobile Cloud Lab.
This work explores how OpenStack cloud platform could be used on limited hardware resources for scientific computing and teaching purposes. OpenStack has deep learning curve and most of the documentation is targeted for creating large scale clouds with hundreds of servers. OpenStack has a lot of components and configuration options which are quite hard to navigate at first. Thus this work tries to provide the rationale for making those technology choices and bases this on sample two server setup belonging to Tartu University Mobile Cloud Lab.