Arvutiteaduse instituudi üliõpilaste õpingute katkestamise ja tööleminemise põhjused
Selles bakalaureusetöös kirjeldatakse 2010. aastal Tartu Ülikooli informaatika ja
infotehnoloogia erialale õppima asunud üliõpilaste töölemineku ja õpingute katkestamise
põhjuseid. Lisaks on kirjeldatud nende üliõpilaste seisukohti bakalaureusekraadi omandamise
This paper gives an overview about the reasons for leaving the university and going to work during informatics or information technology studies in the University of Tartu. In addition, this paper also includes the opinion about the importance of graduation from the former students.
This paper gives an overview about the reasons for leaving the university and going to work during informatics or information technology studies in the University of Tartu. In addition, this paper also includes the opinion about the importance of graduation from the former students.