Tarkvaraarenduse metoodika valiku protsess (CGI Eesti AS näitel)
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Alustades uut tarkvaraarenduse projekti, tekib alati küsimus, milline tarkvaraarenduse me-toodika oleks antud projekti läbiviimiseks parim valik. Osad metoodikad toimivad paremini mingit tüüpi projektide puhul, teised mitte nii hästi. Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks on tuua välja erinevad tarkvaraarenduse metoodikad, analüüsida erinevate metoodikate omadusi ning sel-gitada välja sobivaim metoodika erinevat tüüpi projektide läbiviimiseks.
Starting a new software development project raises always the question of which software development methodology would be the best option for carrying out the project. Some methodologies are performing better in some types of projects than others. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the different software development methodologies, to analyse the characteristics of the various methodologies and to identify the most suitable methodology for various types of projects.
Starting a new software development project raises always the question of which software development methodology would be the best option for carrying out the project. Some methodologies are performing better in some types of projects than others. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the different software development methodologies, to analyse the characteristics of the various methodologies and to identify the most suitable methodology for various types of projects.