The teaching techniques that support the development of students with higher language proficiency in mixed-ability EFL classes



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Tartu Ülikool


According to the contemporary approach in teaching, a teacher needs to consider each student’s abilities and the will to learn. It is a common situation to teach mixed-ability classes where students’ level of English and motivation may vary tremendously. To support and provide successful strategies and tools for a teacher, the study focuses on inquiring teaching techniques that are recommended for teachers who work with students with higher language proficiency in EFL classes. The research consists of an empirical study to find the answers to following research questions: How can teachers motivate students with higher language proficiency and keep them engaged in mixed-ability EFL classes? How do different modification techniques affect the engagement and motivation of the students with higher language proficiency in EFL classes? The aim of the study is to examine the effects of modifying content, process, and product of an EFL course and how that can encourage, engage, and motivate EFL learners with higher language proficiency. The study group consists of five 13- and 14-year-old students in year 7 in an EFL class of 17 students. The study group was chosen due to the fact they are part of a mixed-ability class with profound differences in educational ability.



inglise keel, õppemeetodid, keeleõpetus, keele omandamine, 6. klass, diferentseeritud õpe, andekad lapsed
