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Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on parandada protsesside kaevandamise tööriista DeclareMiner jõudlust. DeclareMiner väljendab protsesside mudeleid deklaratiivses modelleerimiskeeles nimega Declare, mis on protsessikaevadamise maailmas laialt levinud oma loetavuse ja arusaadavuse tõttu. Olemasoleva DeclareMiner versiooni jõudlus oli mõningatel juhtudel ebapiisav. Jõudluse parandamiseks kasutati artiklis, kus kasutatakse replayereid, arendatud lähenemist, mis integreeriti tööriista originaal algoritmi. Tulemuseks oli uus, eraldiseisev rakendus, mille jõudlus on olemasolevast lahendusest mitu korda parem. Samuti suudab uus rakendus koostada erinevaid väljundeid, millest üks on kasutajasõbralik ning loetav ka neile, kes pole protsesside kaevandamise ja Declare keele eksperdid.
The purpose of the following thesis is to improve the performance of a process mining tool called DeclareMiner. The DeclareMiner represents process models in a declarative modelling language called Declare which is widely used in process mining due to its readability and understandability. The current version of the Declare Miner was underperforming in some cases. To improve the performance of the tool, an approach from, which uses replayers, has been integrated into the original algorithm. The result is a new, standalone application whose performance is multiple times better than the existing one. In addition, the new implementation is able to provide different outputs among which a user-friendly and readable report, understandable to people not expert of process mining and Declare.
The purpose of the following thesis is to improve the performance of a process mining tool called DeclareMiner. The DeclareMiner represents process models in a declarative modelling language called Declare which is widely used in process mining due to its readability and understandability. The current version of the Declare Miner was underperforming in some cases. To improve the performance of the tool, an approach from, which uses replayers, has been integrated into the original algorithm. The result is a new, standalone application whose performance is multiple times better than the existing one. In addition, the new implementation is able to provide different outputs among which a user-friendly and readable report, understandable to people not expert of process mining and Declare.